Episode 2, Chapter 2

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Sam kept his financial situation private for a load of reasons, but mostly because he didn't want anyone to treat him differently, and he knew they would once they found out he was poor. Money always made things complicated especially on the Upper East Side. He knew when he was dating Quinn that she never really cared about those things, and he could always rely on her to be around. Kurt also would have been a good support if he was in trouble. As of yet, the only person who knew about Sam's crisis was Puck.

April had budded in when it came to ensuring Sam had someplace to stay back in the city. The Puckermans' still had their own apartment with enough space for Sam to stay for a while without anyone ever really noticing considering how much time he typically spent there during the school year. She insisted they keep it all low profile with no other involvement.

Sam never wanted his friend to spend any money to take care of him. He wanted to figure it out on his own. He would work to find a job to get by once he was back in the city, maximizing on what he was already good at until he could pay for his own room. Puck never cared either way and would do whatever he needed to help his friend for as long as it took, but Sam was very independent about things like that and hated being indebted to someone else.

"You're not going to fight me about giving you a ride back into the city," Puck declared. Sam often turned down Puck's help, but this one Sam didn't reject outright.

"Well yeah, unless you're driving with someone else," Sam responded. Puck smiled.

"You just love the limo!" he tussled with the blonde before throwing the final bag inside while the bellhop finished packing the trunk. "The liquor is all mine, sorry no sharing."

"It's like 10am," Sam replied.

"It's tequila time somewhere!" he goofed hopping into the large limo. For him, it was the only way to travel. It was always stocked when he entered and magically re-stocked when he ran low. He had enough space to leisurely sleep, but it was also fun to have a party guest... or three.

Sam had never been much into personal cars or limos even when he did have the means, which was why he took the bus to school most mornings and cabs when he was traveling far. He'd usually hop along with friends where they were going to make the travel easier.

With the cold shoulder from Quinn again, Puck figured he would be better off focusing his attention on Sam until the guy was situated on his feet. He could never imagine going through what he'd been through in a year. Thankfully as much as he sort of hated his dad, at least he was around. Carole was pretty cool as a stepmom and life had never been hard for him. The only issues he had were ones he made for himself, but what he excelled in was making things better for others. Why have all the money in the world if he wasn't about to use it? Puck guessed there was some part of Sam wishing he could he rely on Quinn to get him through his hard time, but since she wasn't around for him, it was Puck's time to excel at something.

Spotted: Noah Puckerman putting his BFF on speed dial. Is it the beginning of a beautiful bromance? Or just the end of Quinn's bid to be beckoned?


The only good thing about getting abandoned by her friends in the Hamptons, Rachel would guess, is that one is able to spend the day as they please and simply get on the next train if they want to miss the first one. This was how she spent her day, wandering around in shops and stumbling upon a music store. She had tons of sheet music at home already from all the Broadway classics that she dreamed of playing in one day like Evita, Funny Girl, and Oklahoma, but she wandered the shop until she found a section of some songwriters that she admired.

Behind her, a curly-haired brunette in a Nudie 'Utgang Exit' graphic t-shirt under a hoodie and leather jacket spotted her and made the first move to introduce himself, "Lionel Richie, huh? One of my favorites." [Hello]

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