chapter two- picture perfect

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Cassie aka Virgo

Upper east side, New York

This was probably the most important night of my life so far, the job that'll get me my money to pay to go to some prestigious college : catering for some rich bitch's 17th birthday.

The uniform may be stupid and the people may be snobs but it sure does pay well and I won't lie about not being curious to get a glimpse of the life of katerina Burke.

Everything was so glamorous and expensive, it was like diving into a bucket load of wealth and finger food...

I put the champagne glasses on the silver trey and walked around the room like a douche, isn't she turning seventeen ? What kind of person serves champagne at a teenage girls party?

Could be worse I suppose, could be full of cheap beer and horny young adults. I just needed to keep my pretty little strawberry blonde head down and work even if it slowly kills me from the inside.

These people were pretty important; at the head of the family was mr Grayson Burke, he's a lawyer.. like I mean a really good lawyer but he seems pretty absent from his family's life the exception being parties or holidays.

His wife, Amelia. Gosh, what a trophy wife she loves her kids but not as much as her diamonds or her house, if imma be honest, I think she's hooking up with the personal driver

Oldest daughter Emily is a spitting image of her mother, you know.. tall, blonde, slim, legs for days kinda thing not to mention the whole family's lush green eyes. Emily was born a snob and will most likely die one too.

Ah Octavia, my personal favourite. Total mess. I heard she recently got out of a mental institution because she just went nuts I guess, though I am digging her new shoulder length hair, really compliments the dark brown colour.

Katerina Burke - long, wavy dark brown hair, perfect features and body and glossy green eyes. Katerina is complicated I suppose, stealing hearts, breaking bones while wearing a golden tiara so in other words a bitch. A complete and utter bitch.

And then there's her twin brother Charlie. Little Charlie Burke. Him I know nothing about.. nobody does and nobody sees him. He's a mystery to the world..

But not for long.

I want to be a journalist and the Burke family is my golden ticket into college when I write an article on them. I know how it may seem but i deserve to be successful.

Towards the end of the night some dude spilt champagne all over my dress! Like I get the dress was hideous but I'm still wearing it!

I wandered towards the bathroom closest to me so I could clean up and realised the strangest thing~ nobody was in sight. I turned my head slightly side to side but still nobody was around. Odd.

There was a door at the end of the corridor that intrigued me.. I know I should of left well alone but curiosity got the better of me so I peered my head through the gap and saw the back of a boys head.

He was tall-ish. Brunette. He was painting something, looked like a dark tunnel covered in strange symbols.

"Can I help you?" He said dryly still with his back to me, continuing to dab his paintbrush to his page

"I-uhhhh..." I stuttered

"You- uhhhh, what?" He asked turning around, walking straight up to me and taking the glass of champagne of my tray and swallowing it down, as he came closer I took a closer look at his features and realised how much he looked like Katerina.

"You're Charlie Burke, aren't you?" I stepped into his room casually, I know it was bold of me but he didn't seem to mind "why aren't you at the party? isn't it your birthday?"

"First, Technically it's my birthday tomorrow and second I wasn't invited" he replied, grabbing an apple from the bowl, throwing it in the air before chopping down on it while swinging in his chair.

"You weren't invited? Harsh sister." Honestly I wish I had my note pad and pen to write this tragic story down...

"Wouldn't know, I've only met her like four times .. my father is the one who never lets me leave my room"

"Like ever?"

"Well I do go in the garden once a week"

That's concerning, right? What kind of person locks their own son in his room for Half his life? This is brilliant! I need more details if I wanna use this story.

"I don't mean to pry But why is your dad locking you in your room?" I dug deeper into this story, don't mean to brag but I have an excellent memory and judgement.

"Couldn't tell ya"

"Really? Nothing?"

He paused for a moment to give it a hard thought "well.. now that you mention it, I overheard him tell my mother 'I don't want 'it' to get out and hurt anybody' I am an 'it' now"

"I'm sorry..." I did mean it. I did.

It did make me wonder how Charlie Burke could hurt anyone, he doesn't really give me the serial killer vibes.

I did the job. I got paid. But I am going going to do everything in my power to find out more...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I think I'm going to do Kai aka Aries next so yeah that's good to know I guess.

Imma try and get the chapter out as soon as possible and I am trying to make them longer.

Charlotte x

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