Chapter seven- could never be boring

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Ayanna aka Pisces

These brothers were strange.. there was no doubt about that and yet I felt safe with them, they clearly knew how to take care of themselves and each other because it was painfully obvious there parents weren't in the picture.

Parents. I miss my mother, I miss my father and my brother and my sister but they're dead now.. they're gone..

It was traumatic seeing them like that- full of cuts and bruises with blood frothing at the mouth, I could literally see there bones poking out of there limbs and there cold dead eyes when they stopped fighting for life truly scarred me for life.. You never get over something like that.

Ever since the crash I've wonder why I survived? There were hundreds of people on that plane and only two pulled through and survived, makes you question everything.

I don't think Kai liked me very much but I wasn't to fond of him either, from what I could tell he was both moronic and narcissistic however I did like Cole, he's compassionate and kind however I find him hard to read.

They had a lot of baggage to cut it short, like they'd been through hell and back.

I was half asleep when I began to hear them chattering quietly amongst themselves, there gaze flicking between one another and myself to see if I was awake

I played along with it and continued to pretend that I indeed were asleep and they seemed to buy it, now, I know what you're thinking, 'eavesdropping is wrong' or whatever but I could help myself! They're both so infuriatingly mysterious and suspicious I just needed to know!

"We still don't know whose murdering those innocent people with those freaky plants and that girl isn't helping anybody!" Kai yelled at his brother and pointed a finger at me "I say we ditch her"

Cole rose from his chair and furrowed his eyebrows "wait- hold on, she has no one and we could use her.. we could train her"

Train me? Train me for what? Cole looks far to young to be in the law enforcement.. I suppose Kai could be but that is still putting it at a stretch.

Kai let out a loud laugh, clenching his stomach before speaking again "oh-oh- I'm sorry.. it's really not funny, it's not, but her? Seriously coley? She's a fragile little thing, Isn't she? She can't become a hunter, she'll die for sure."

Wow, tell me how you really feel.

And what the hell do they mean by 'hunter'? Do they expect me to go fishing? Or maybe they kill bears? Whatever it means I'm sure I could do it, I'm rather capable.

"Well I think you're wrong" shrugged Cole

"Well your opinion doesn't matter because I'm in charge of this whole operation, ya got that?" Kai claimed, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and heading towards the door, I assume to leave me alone in this motel for good "c'mon Cole"

"No" hesitated the younger brother, crossing his arms to stand his ground, I appreciate that.

"I'm sorry, what? 'No'? I swear to God, Cole, don't make me drag your ass out this door and into that car" he sort of, well, threatened.

I couldn't just wait around any longer, listening to them squabble about either letting me stay or leaving me high and dry so I sat up and spoke my mind "look leave me if you must but I can help you guys"

"We're you eavesdropping? unbelievable." Said Kai who was clearly pissed off at this moment in time.. actually I'm rather sure he's pissed off 98% of the time.

"I know what's killing those people AND what caused my plane crash.."

That got them listening.

This is it. My big secret, I can't believe I'm telling them this... I trust them I guess- well i trust Cole at least, still sure Kai wants my head.

"It was me. I killed those people.." I finally admitted and it felt so incredibly good to get that awful secret of my chest

Kai and Cole both grabbed their guns and clenched them tightly, directed at me. Totally understandable on there part, I mean, I did just admit to manslaughter but it was an accident.

Of course, I don't think I can just blurt out 'hey I'm Ayanna Lily , I'm 16, I'm a Pisces and oh, I have a magical, uncontrollable ability that links my emotions to nature!'

"You have five seconds to talk before I blow your brains out" Kai exclaimed all while still holding a gun to my head

I sighed, knowing they'd think I was crazy but the truth is the truth "little less than a year ago I started developing these crazy powers that I can't control so when I'm upset or angry, they lash out.. I-I didn't mean to hurt anybody"

"Yeah well, we can't have you killing again" Kai pulled back the slide with a swift motion and Cole looked surprised at his brothers antics

I squinted my eyes tight, I was expecting at least a faint gunshot and then blackness but nothing. I reopened my eyes and saw him retract his gun which, I gotta say, was a relief.

"Fine! You can tag along with us but only so we can keep an eye on you" finally agreed the oldest brother throwing his hands in the air before turning to Cole "but she's your responsibility and I swear one toe out of line I'll throw her back where she came from"

He makes me sound like I'm a dog.

We left the motel room and jumped into the car to hit the road but there was still one question nagging at me

"One question" I pick up the courage to ask "what exactly do you boys hunt?"

They only smiled and Kai turned up the radio real loud, already shaking his head along with the beat while Cole rolled his eyes, minutes later they were on the most random topics to bickering at what they'd have for dinner to what 'case' they were picking up next.

I may not know much but one thing was certain; life on the road with Kai and Cole would certainly be both the best and worst years of my life.


Ayyyyyy I was SLIGHTLY earlier today!

How are you all? I'm alright I guess, still recovering from my illness but other than that I'm great.

I hope you enjoyed and expect many more chapters soon also comment who's P.O.V you want next because I have like plenty of ideas.

Love yas!

Charlotte x

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