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Yeonjun pov:
I already called both of our parents while soobin was driving us home and now we finally got home. I looked at y/n, she was still sleeping, so i got off the car and opened her car door and carried her in my arms. All our friends came after us. I took y/n to our room and got out of our room . I saw our parents were already there and both her mom and my mom was crying.

Mrs.park: y-yeonjun-ahh!!y-y/n??is she okay?? Is my seweetie hurt??
Yj:eomonim!! I am sorry!! I couldn't protect her properly
Mrs.park: its not your fault!! Its okay
Mrs.choi: is she okay??
Yj: she is not...she is sleeping right now
Mr.park: lets not disturb her right now
Mr.choi: we should go now...we will come to visit you both tomorrow.
Yj: okay
Mr.park: please take care of her...we will be leaving now.

Our parents went away after knowing if she was okay or not. My friends were still here and we talked about some stuffs about today's incident and they all went away as well. I walked to my room and saw y/n was all covered with bruises. I tried to touch her but she suddenly begged me not to touch in her sleep. It broke my heart to see her in that state. I saw she was crying silently and i hugged her, she slowly opened her eyes and buried her face on my chest and started crying by holding my t-shirt tight. I decided to talk to her.

Yj: y/n?? I am sorry baby...i wasn't on time.
Y/n: n-no t-thank you for saving me again. My body is hurting.
Yj: let me clean the bruises!!okay??
Y/n: umm

Yeonjun helped y/n to take off the clothes she was wearing. Yeonjun tried talking to y/n as much as possible but she didn't talk much. After cleaning the bruises y/n told yeonjun that she wants to shower and yeonjun went to kitchen to cook. Y/n got inside the tub all naked . She was crying silently, after crying for 5mins, she started rubbing and scratching her skin crazily as she could still feel the way they touched her and she screamed and cried loudly.
Y/n: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yeonjun heard her screaming and he came running toward the bathroom. He got inside and saw y/n scratching and screaming and rubbing her skin crazily. He immediately went toward her and hold her from behind to prevent her from scratch her skin . When she finally stopped crying, yeonjun carried her and took her to bed , put her in the bed , he covered her naked body with blanket and gave her clothes and undergarments. She wore it , yeonjun came back to bedroom with some foods but y/n denied to eat.

Yj: here!! Open your mouth.
Y/n: i dont wanna eat.
Yj: i am not gonna eat if you aren't eating.
Y/n: fine i will you eat your food as well

Both of them ate their food and yeonjun took the plates to the kitchen. After he was done with everything, he  went to the bed and hugged y/n .

Y/n: yeonjun-ahh
Yj: hmm??
Y/n: i am sorry!!
Yj: why??
Y/n: because i always cause trouble for you.
Yj: don't say that!! I am always here for you . No matter how hard the things get.
Y/n: thankyou
Yj: you should sleep now goodnight baby.

They slept and they were holding onto eachother very tight.
At the midnight y/n started sweating very bad. And yeonjun felt it. He opened his eyes and checked her , she was having her nightmares again and was tearing up. He patted her and hugged her and said "its alright , its alright". Y/n calmed down after hearing that and went back to her sleep .

Next morning:
Y/n opened her eyes and saw yeonjun hugging her. She just felt really secure ,so she moved closer to him and buried her face on his chest. Yeonjun woke up as he felt y/n moving.

Yj: Good morning
Y/n: Good morning
Yj: you okay??
Y/n: umm i am.
Yj: you hungry??
Y/n: not right now just stay in this position for few more mins.
Yj: umm okay
Y/n: i heard the police wanted to have some investigation.
Yj: just rest for some days , we can do that later.
Y/n: no i wanna sort this thing out as soon as possible.
Yj: you sure??
Y/n: ya and can you call our parents, i am sure they are worried about me.
Yj: you are really strong.

Hate to Love||Choi Yeonjun X Reader 18+Where stories live. Discover now