Chapter 1

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"Lauren, come on! We have to make this movie!" My friend Julia shouts from her room. We're seeing Fifty Shades of Grey and I couldn't be more excited.
I can picture it now: Mr. Grey calls me in his office. He says I've been misbehaving lately and deserve to be punished. He looks at me with such seduction, I can feel his eyes stripping my clothes off. Before I know it, I'm being lifted on top of his desk. He spreads my legs apart and roughly gets in between them. I close my eyes as I feel his warm breath on my neck. I wrap my legs around his waste to feel him closer. Without any warning he....
"Lauren! I'm in the car waiting!" Julia screams impatiently. Her yelling awakens me and I am snap back into reality. I sigh in disappointment.
"I'll never find someone like him". I whisper to myself...Or will I?

We arrive at the movie theaters, and notice this boy a few seats over staring at me. I examine around him to see if there was any indication of a girlfriend. I don't notice anyone so I just turn to my friend Julia and begin to fangirl over him.
"Oh my gosh, Julia you see that boy over there?" I motion to the boy a few seats away from mine.
"Damn, that boy is hella fine! You're gonna hit that after the movie right?" I hit her playfully in the arm and smile. Although I didn't say it, I was totally thinking it. He has the perfect arm muscles, the sexy jawline, and the cutest dimples I have ever seen. His light brown hair complimented his deep tan. His whole appearance had me an awe.
The movie starts and you can just feel the excitement in the theater. About 45 minutes into the movies, during the sex scene, the boy glances over at me. I smile back at him shyly. My smile dimishes when I notice a familiar face come up the stairs. It's Stacey Leignhart. The biggest bitch in the world. She has stolen every boy I've ever talked to and even got me kicked off the dance team! I start to get anxious to find out where she was going to sit. I look over and notice she is sitting next to the boy that had been staring at me. I can't help but stare at them the rest of the movie. The anticipation of knowing why she was with him is killing me.
The movie is finally over, so I tell Julia i have to use the bathroom and I'll meet her outside when I'm done. As I'm exiting the row, Stacey gives me the dirtiest look. I ignore it and try to avoid contact with the attractive boy. I had finally left the theater and made into the bathroom. In the bathroom there's underage teenage girls gossiping about the movie and middle aged women wishing they're husbands had come with them. I wouldn't know how good the movie was, I was too busy thinking about Stacey and that boy. "I have to find out what is going on between them." I thought to myself.
I met Julia outside with a couple of her college friends. We are seniors this year and all I can think about is getting accepted into NYU. I want to get far away from Georgia as possible. Hopefully Julia is right there with me, but all she's focused on is when the next party is.
I feel my legs begin to ache so I sit on a bench. It's freezing outside and I just want to hurry and get home. A lot more people are coming from the movie and a part of me hopes I see that boy again. Before I know it, he walks over to me. I felt my knees shaking and my heart racing. He is 3 feet away from me and each inch he is closer to me, the faster my heart is going. He sits next to me and says, "Hey, I'm Cameron". Cameron is the perfect name for him. I couldn't believe he is even approaching me. I am so caught in the moment I almost forget to respond.
"I'm Lauren". I say. He smiles at me.
"So, I'm pretty sure you noticed me glancing at you a few times through the movie, huh?" I start laughing a little.
"A few times?" I say jokily. Cameron moves a little closer and says something I'll never forget.
"I wanna see you again, may I please have the honor of having your number?" I have never blushed so much in my life. I quickly cover my happiness with confusion when I remember Stacey.
"What about that girl you were with, Stacey?" Cameron looks at me with both shock and confusion.
"Stacey is my cousin". He responds. I look at him like a deer in a headlight. I am both relived and a little disgusted. I guess he noticed the disgusted look on my face because he quickly says, "She's not my girlfriend if that's what you are thinking. I definitely do not roll like that". I smile again at him. I gave him my number and we talked for hours until we both fell asleep.

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