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When I got to the Salvatores Damon was rushing out of the house.

"This is your fault." He mumbled.

"I know. And I'm sorry. Is she ok?"

"That's what I'm going to figure out Kayda. Go home."

"Where? I'm not even supposed to be here because the council is after me! I have no where to go."

"That doesnt seem like my problem now does it." He snapped.

"Damon, I'm sorry. Please just let me stay with you."

"As long as you stop saying sorry." I smiled and we ran to Elena's house.


The next morning she woke up, Stefan was sitting on her bed and Damon was by the window while I was leaned up on the door. She gasped as she sat uo and her eyes fell on me.

"Elena I'm so sorry.." I murmured.

"Its fine Kayda." She as Stefan hugged her.

"Would you like me to grab a blood bag? I'm sure I can find a ring too for Bonnie to spell."

"No-" She responded quickly. "I'm not doing the transition." My eyes quickly flew over to Damon.

"Elena, think reasonably." Damon said. "There is no possible way for you to stay alive without feeding."

"But there might be." Stefan projected.

"Exactly, Bonnie might be able to do something... a spell, or something."

"Whatever. Damon have fun dealing with this. I'll be back later." I said pushing off the door frame with my shoulder. I ran to the Mikaelsons, Rebekah was standing by Klaus's drawings, looking at all of them. I walked behind her and stood next to her.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

"Its fine. It's not like you could do anything about it." She sniffled, I gave her a small side hug and she gave me a hug back, then I felt a poison inject my shoulder.

"That doesnt feel nice." I ground as I pulled out the dart, I backed up and was hit by five more which sent me unconscious.


I woke up in a van, Caroline and Rebekah were tied down in front of me.

"Caroline?" I asked frantically.

"Hey." She responded weakly.

"I thought you skipped town, why are you here?"

"I didnt want to leave." She responded, then the van flipped over onto its side. Someone broke down the door, it was Tyler. He never really died.

He got Caroline out then came back, sirens were blaring as I heard tires screech. "Keep em busy little sis." He winked at Rebekah then looked over at me. "Love, stay safe." He murmured towards me then left with Caroline.

Me and Rebekah looked at each other with confusion. "Klaus?" I asked as the cops broke us out of the van and injected us with vervain, as if we weren't already toasted.


I woke up in a cell, breathing in vervain. I was in the same cell with Rebekah, Stefan woke up across from us and Elena was just being dragged in by a police officer.

"What the hell." I muttered. "Has she fed?" I asked.

"No." Stefan growled.

"Well this is great." I said standing up and stumbling over to the bars.

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