The Hook - Folklore Retelling

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The sun was finally beginning to set over Point Pleasant. The cotton candy clouds were burning red and blue. It was a stunning end to a beautiful day.

And Gabriel had a plan.

He had gathered his and Corrine's gear earlier that day to prepare for a romantic night away. The glorious sunset further inspired his hopes for the night. He was beyond pleased with himself and nature obliging to follow along with his plan.

The couple were making their way up a hillside trail alone. The chorus of cicadas buzzing and crickets chirping as they wound through the trees.

"I love it up here," Corrine said as they stepped onto the overlook at the top of the hill. The ground was rocky but flat and rose high above the river below. "It's just so pretty."

"I knew you'd like it," Gabriel said as he sat their packs down. "We'll camp here tonight and then head back home tomorrow after breakfast." He pulled her by the hip into his side and kissed her. "Let's get set up."

As the sun continued to set and give way to the moon, the couple quickly set up a simple camp. Two sleeping bags, a lantern, a wind-up radio, and a campfire.

"Are you hungry?" Gabriel pulled some pre-war food from his pack. "I've been saving up for a special occasion. What'll it be?"

Corrine's eyes widened as she watched him lay out his collection. Cotton candy bites, Cajun Rice & Beans, Cram, and Instamash were a few that caught her eye. "I'm not THAT hungry." She laughed. "Maybe just some cram for now."

Gabriel smiled and got to work opening the cram and then setting it in the coals of the fire to warm. He cranked the radio, the sounds of Appalachian Radio harmonized with the cicadas.

Before long, their gazing at the fire led to gazing at each other. The pair cuddled closer as the night air became dewy.

Gabriel made his move. Cupping Corrine's chin and drawing her lips to his. As a cacophony of elation deafened his ears, he kissed her harder.

The radio squealed.

Corrine's eyes sprung open.

The music had stopped and the radio host's voice came over the speaker.

"Hey, um, this is Julie, your host, and um I have a special important announcement. It seems that a lone Blood Eagle has been making his rounds in the valley tonight. Watch out for a, um, a man wielding a meat hook. Ok? Just like any other day. Haha. Stay safe out there Appalachia!"

The radio buzzed back to life midway through Atom Bomb Baby.

"What are you doing?" Gabriel had finally noticed Corrine's unresponsive mouth against his.

"I was just listening." She sat upright.

"To what?" Gabriel remained reclined, hoping she would come back to him.

"On the radio. Something about a Blood Eagle causing problems in the valley."

Gabriel laughed deeply. "Blood Eagles are always causing problems in the valley." He noticed Corrine didn't join him in laughing and sat up, putting his arm around her shoulders. "It's going to be fine. I'm here with you."

The hours passed slowly for the couple in the twilight. A much needed moment of respite in a harsh wasteland.


Something cracked near the camp. Corrine nudged Gabriel awake.

"Stop it.." He grumbled. She nudged again. "What's wrong?"

"I heard something." She whispered, fear tinging her voice.

Gabriel turned on his side, holding his head up with his hand, his eyebrow raised in disbelief. "It was just a rad rat. We put away the food, we're fine."

"I don't care about the food."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I told you. I heard something."


"So what if it's someone?"

"It's nothing."

"Please go look."

Gabriel flung open his sleeping bag and got up, equipping a lantern and a shovel. Corrine pulled her bedding close to her face as she watched him walk along the edges of the forest surrounding them.

"I told you it was nothing. Get some sleep." He wanted to at least redeem the night with a good breakfast.

"Fine." Corrine turned herself away from him to watch for movement. At least until her eyes became too heavy to watch.


Instinctively she hit at Gabriel's sleeping bag.

"Goddammit, I just want to sleep." He snapped at her.

"I heard it again."

"You heard what?"

"I don't know... something snapped."

"My sanity that's what..." he muttered under his breath as he got up and surveyed the tree line again.

"I want to go home." She said as he came back to her.

"We camp all the time, Corrine. We're fine."

"I know... I know... but please. Can we go?"

Gabriel knew he would do anything for this girl. He could see the fear in her eyes and knew the only thing he could do was make sure she felt safe. "Ok, let's get everything together."

A simple camp meant it was quick and easy to pack up. They were ready in just a few moments and had begun to make the descent down the trail with the lantern in hand.


Gabriel had been leading them but turned around at the sound. He was facing Corrine and the looming woods behind them.

"See!? I told you!" Corrine's eyes glinted on the brink of lucidity.

Gabriel grabbed her by the hand as they rushed faster down the path.


The sound hit almost on their necks. So loud they both ducked as they pushed forward.

The trees finally cleared and made way for the road. The sound of their shoes on pavement prompted quickened now that they were on solid ground.

Their home camp glowed in the distance. Burning barrels at the entrance reached out to them.


Corrine stumbled over the broken pavement and tripped. Losing some things in her bag. Gabriel grabbed her arm. "Leave it!"

They ran straight into camp, bypassing the guard.

"Whoa!" The guard called after them. "What's the rush?"

"Nothing nothing, sorry, we're just trying to get home."

"Well, you're home now. You two look like ghosts. Hope you didn't get into any chems." The guard laughed and patted Gabriel on the back.

The couple walked slowly to Gabriel's tent, watching over their shoulders all the while. He flung his pack on the table.




"What was that?" Corrine's eyes were still wide with fear.

"Just the bag."

"No... no it's not..." Corrine stepped up to the table and saw there, spilled from Gabriel's pack was..... a meat hook shimmering fresh with blood.

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