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~Hitoshi's POV~

It's been a week since we've been stuck watching this brat. Normally I wouldn't call Izu a brat, but All for One changed him. I can't believe this is what happened to him while he was gone. I think I heard Bakugou crying about him a few times. Thank god the kid is sleeping, he is less aggravating this way.

~Izu's Dream and POV~

I was in a weird place. I'm guessing I'm in a school in Japan because everything here is japanese. Good thing I took a few classes in middle school. Some kid bumped into me. He had blond hair and red eyes. "Watch where you're going nerd!" He ran into a classroom called 1-A. I can't believe that person had the nerve to bump into me! He's going to pay for that. "Izuku Midoryia! Get to class right now!" Some sleepy ass crazy person screamed to me. He reminded me of that Hitoshi kid that's supposed to watch me but with long black hair instead of purple. I don't know what class I'm supposed to go to so I just go to class 1-A. "Hey Deku!!" Some girl that looked really annoying waved me ove to her group of friends. Who the fuck is Deku?

"Midoryia! To your seat." I sat down in the only seat that was left so I guessed that was my seat. "You may talk to one another but quietly while I take a nap." He just fucking yelled at me to sit in my seat then a second later goes to sleep. What kind of dumbass teacher is this??? Why is some kid named 'Kacchan' stuck in my head. He kinda looks like that kid that bumped into me earlier. "Hello Midoryia. Glad to see you back." Some half and half told me. "Midoryia! It's not good to miss school for a week! You could have missed something and you could be confused. I'm coming to your dorm tonight to help you with the things we learned while you were gone." While the sonic looking guy said that, he made some weird motions with his hands. I think his name is Isaac or something like that. Wait. Kachann? Iida? Uraraka? Kirishima? Why did I forget them?????

~Shinsou's POV~

I was in the kitchen making dinner for the brat while shigaraki was in the living room sitting on his ass. While I was turning on the oven I heard yelling coming from Izuku's room. I quickly turned the oven back off and ran to his room. "Are you okay?!?!?!?" I asked him worried. If something happened to him AFO would kill me. "S-shinsou? Do you know why I forgot who everyone from U.A. is?"

Thanks for reading. Plz vote and comment. Have a good day/night.

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