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Song: BITE by Troye Sivan and Mile High by James Blake

Armena Riddle-Lestrange 

Sure enough, as after Draco and I spent all Saturday in bed, Pansy sent over fifty owls to my flat begging for me to give her all the dirty details. In fact, she was very vulgar in explaining to me that I personally owed this to her since she put her life on the line. 

Such a Pansy thing to do. 

Draco and I had exhausted ourselves, collapsing into a pile of sweat and limbs after our many, many rounds of mindblowing and toe curling sex. When we woke up Sunday morning, I had let Draco continue to sleep as I slipped out of my bed and tiptoed into the kitchen. I was absolutely starved and needed some sort of substance fast. 

"Please have food" I muttered, as I pulled at the metal container on the wall. 

I jerked open the fridge only to hear something rattle at the large kitchen window. I glanced over, noticing a white owl with a cream letter in it's mouth. I felt my stomach drop as I recognized the owl.


I felt the bile run up my throat as I recognized the owl as none other than Narcissa Malfoy's, the mother of the man lying very naked in my bed right at this moment. 

This can't be happening, this couldn't be her owl and how could she possibly know that Draco was here. Unless, she had so sick trace on him that alerted her every time he stepped in my presence. 

Fuck was right. Mother fucking Narcissa Malfoy was a sneaky bitch. 

I furrowed my brow and opened the window, the owl dropped the letter in my hands and flew away quickly. I flipped over the letter, letting out a sigh of relief as there was no Malfoy seal on the back. I popped up the lip and pulled out the parchment.


I tried to come through your flue but it seems you have it nice and locked down. Pansy let me know very graphically that you and Draco were most likely shagging against it which was why I won't be able to get through. I really fucking hope that's not the case. Anyways, I think we should all sit down with everyone and talk about the Vow. I assumed that Draco now knows about it? If he doesn't, well, we should probably tell him soon so Narcissa doesn't try to pull something else. I don't trust the bitch especially after the way she treated you at dinner last Saturday. Tell Draco that I have to drop off Scorp anyways today so we should just meet there. I have already talked to the others so there is no way to get out of it.

Xx  Blaise.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I hissed, crunching up the parchment in my hands.

I stayed facing the window as I looked out over the street, my blood boiling under my skin. I don't know why I was so annoyed or peeved about having to talk about this in front of everyone but it irked me to my core. I also didn't want to have to tell Pansy that her own spell didn't work on Draco and he was going to be livid with every single one of them. Beyond livid, I think that I escaped easily from his wrath but there was no telling what it would do when he stood face to face with his friends who kept us apart. Not to mention we would have to discuss this at Malfoy Manor and if Narcissa dared to enter I would have my claws around her throat quicker than lightning.

"Bloody fucking—"

"What are you cursing at so early in the morning?" the voice hummed.

I whirled around to find Draco leaning against the door frame to my bedroom, a half smirk on his face. His hair was messy from our night rolling around and the few hours of sleep that we eventually got. He had one leg crossed over the other and his arms folded at his chest. I let out a deep breath and turned back around to close the open window. I heard Draco move behind me as I lingered at the ceiling high window that overlooked the grassy park below.

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