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Armena Riddle-Lestrange

I felt Draco's eyes on me the entire time from when we entered that great and beautiful library. The dusty books lining the shelves surrounded us in the golden light by the ancient bay window. Draco took his perch against a tall shelf, shoving his hands casually in his pocket but something was off with him. He was nervous and anxious that it was radiating from him. I could taste his anxiety on my tongue like I was drinking it from a goblet.

"I can feel you staring, you know?" I hummed, shuffling through my stack of endless paperwork.

I had been putting off work for a few days now, mainly because I wanted to deal with this trial nonsense before I dove back into my work. There was no reason to do the Ministry's unicorn shit work if they were just going to toss me right back into my prison cell in Azkaban. I thought that Narcissa was going to pop out of the shadows and curse me back to that hell. However, I guess I was lucky in the fact that they barely even slapped me on the wrist. I guess Merlin was looking out for me after all.

"I'm not staring" Draco sighed, moving to take the seat next to me. "I am just observing, is that so wrong?"

No, it was most certainly not wrong in the slightest. I quite enjoyed having his grey eyes on me at all times.

"You are the one who made us come in here" I hissed.

I glanced over my shoulder as I heard a rustling amongst the stacks of the library. A group of older Ministry works passed by, noticing who we were as their eyes went wide. I narrowed my eyes at them, warning them not to linger and they silently obeyed. Draco seemed to let out a sigh of relief but once I glanced at him, he masked whatever emotion that was plaguing him.


"Correction, Potter made us come here" he smirked, leaning back in his chair.

I watched him for a second as he contemplated his next move. Draco eyed my hand that was resting causally on the wooden table and picked it up. I held my breath as he rotated my wrist, his soft lips delicately brushing the underside of my flesh. My heart fluttered like the beating wings of a butterfly and the look he was giving me through his lashes-- Merlin save my soul. I could feel the breath picking up in my chest as he dragged his lips up my wrist, peeling away the sleeve of my silk dress.

"I think we have a thing for libraries" he smirked against my flesh. "Wouldn't you agree?"

This man— this utterly beautiful mad man, was going to ruin me completely. I felt my eyelids flutter as he continued to nip at my skin, his tongue licking at the dark ink from the mark that my mother had carved into my forearm all those years ago. The very same mark that Draco had to watch me receive as the tears poured down my face. I never thought about that day because if I thought about it, I could still smell my flesh burning and Fenrir Greyback's dirty hands gripping onto me as he pushed me down against the table. I could still hear Draco's screams and my mother's manic laughter.

I shook my head.

This was not the time nor the place to hash our horrid memories of my past. Draco continued to kiss back down my forearm. His teeth grazed hard enough against my flesh to send a wave of pleasure to my inner thighs. I let out a sharp breath of air as I gasped. Draco only chuckled in response, knowing very well what he was doing to me at this very moment.

"You are such a tease" I giggled, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as the blood pumped in my body.

"Oh, I have many ideas of what I want to do to you in this library" he smirked into my wrist. "Do you want to hear them?"

I watched as the blue veins under my flesh pulsed with his words. My own dark blood was beckoning to him, begging him to use me in whatever way he wanted. Merlin, I wanted him to shove me up against the bookcase and bring me to my knees. I wanted to take him in my mouth and lick him until he was knocking this place to the ground with his screams of pleasure.

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