Ch 7: An Assassin

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Delia pulled a piece of glass out of her shoulder and threw it into the metal tray next to her.

"All our work is gone," Banner announced, "Ultron cleared out. He used the internet as an escape hatch."

"He's been in everything. Files, surveillance. He probably knows more about us than we know about each other." Nat turned to look at Delia, who was pulling out another piece of glass from her shoulder.

She groaned at the pain and threw it into the metal tin.

Delia zoned out as they talked. She thought about the murder bot Stark had created without permission from the team. Not that she was on it and she didn't plan to stay for long. Delia was angry, frustrated, and annoyed all at the same time. All feelings that don't mix well together

"YOU CREATED A DAMN ASSASSIN TONY!" Delia got up from her seat. She was so frustrated with his brilliant mind right now.

The room went quiet and Steve walked over to her placing a hand on her glass free shoulder.

"And you didn't even consult the team on it!" Delia shook off Steve's hand.

"Yeah well you aren't exactly part of that team anymore are you Delia! You were gone. For three years! We didn't hear a single word from you till Mr. America over here ran into you at a coffee shop!" Tony snapped.

"Well excuse me if I needed time to grieve my dead parents!" Delia yelled.

Clint looked at her, worriedly and she sat back down handing Steve the pair of tweezers she was using. Delia nodded towards her shoulder and Steve ran his fingers across her back before pulling the last piece of glass from it. Delia winced. His breath lingered there in concentration before placing the tweezers and glass in the metal tin.

"He also said he killed someone," Clint's eyes were on Cap and Delia.

"How there was no one else in the building," Maria was also pulling glass from her skin.

"Yes there was," Tony pulled up the 3-D image of Jarvis' AI brain.

Half of it was gone and the rest was mainly destroyed.

"What? This is insane," Bruce mutters as he inspects the brain.

"Jarvis was the first line of defense, he would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense," Steve sighed.

"No Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy, this is rage," Bruce was still looking through Jarvis' brain.

Thor's thundering footsteps were heard from the entrance and the next thing they knew, Tony was off the ground being pushed against the wall.

"It's going around," Clint watched Thor choke Tony.

"Come on use your words buddy," Tony's voice was strained.

"I have more than enough words to describe you, Strak," Thor spat.

"Thor! The Legionnaire."

Delia was glaring at Tony, his incompetence and arrogance was showing as he laughed. She got up out of her seat and stood right near him.

"No. It's probably not, right? This is very terrible. Is it so...It is so terrible," Tony continues to laugh.

Delia walked right up to him and slapped him across the face. His head whipped to the side and a large red handprint slowly showed up on his cheek.


"Somewhere in that arrogant brain of yours is your consciousness. He's a fucking moron," Delia sneered.

"This could have been avoided if you hadn't played with something you didn't understand," Thor said.

Tony approached Thor.

"No I'm sorry it is funny. It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this," Tony gestured to himself.

"Tony, maybe this might not be the time," Bruce warned.

"Really? That's it. You just roll over and show your belly every time somebody snarls?"

"Only when I've created a murder bot," Bruce mused.

"We didn't. We weren't even close. We're we close to an interface?" Tony said.

"Well, you did something right and you did it right here," Steve's arms crossed over his chest.

"The Avengers were supposed to be different from S.H.I.E.L.D.!" Steve exclaims.

"Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole?" Tony asked, pointing to the ceiling.

Delia's eyes narrowed and her brow furrowed.

"No it's never come up," Delia shrugged.

"Saved New York?"

"Never heart that," Rhodey responded.

"Recall that?"

"That up there, that's the endgame," Tony pointed up again, "how were you guys planning on beating that?"

"Together," Steve's tone was serious.

"We're gonna lose."

"We'll do that together too."

Tony and Steve look at each other skeptically before Steve broke the silence.

"Thor's right. Ultron's calling us out. And I'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place, let's start making it smaller," Steve announced as the two broke away from each other.

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