Episode 1: Super Potato Saves The Little Potatoes

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The Adventures of Super Potato

Episode 1: Super Potato Saves the Little Potatoes

“I hope I have another mission soon,” Pote says to himself while typing some chemical formulae in his office, “I haven’t had a mission in weeks! I’m bored.”

Pote gets up from his swivel chair and makes his way to the water cooler to mingle with the other potatoes who were slightly bored too.

“Hey, Pote, how’s it going?” Carl, Pote’s fellow potato colleague, asks in his usual ‘I don’t feel like working’ tone of voice.

“Legs fell asleep again.” Pote replies in the same tone.


Then they both simultaneously took a sip of the refreshing water dispensed from the water cooler.


That was The Patch! Pote quickly excused himself and hurried into the restroom and locked himself inside one of the stalls. Pote touched the screen of The Patch and Pehtin’s face appeared on the tiny screen.

“What up Pehtin?” Pote says.

“Here’s the mission: that old villain, Fred, is at the old abandoned warehouse at the outskirts of town.” Pehtin’s voice sounded robotic through The Patch. “This CCTV footage shows Fred kidnapping lots of young potatoes! Your mission is to find out what Fred is up to, stop him and save those young potatoes! Hurry, time’s running out!”

The screen goes fuzzy after Pehtin hung up.

Oh dear! What does Old Fred want to do with those young potatoes! Last time Super Potato saw him, he was trying to rob a bank!

Pote puts on his signature thick black super-powered glasses to hide his identity. He rips off his office blazer to release his long red flowing cape. His initial “P” is printed on the back and button of his cape. Super Potato does his pose in the restroom cubicle even though no one could see him.

“Do not fear; Super Potato is here!” Super Potato rehearses his line as he bursts through the ceiling of the restroom, just like how almost every superhero bursts through walls and ceilings and it’s magically fixed the next time someone sees it.

High and above, Super Potato flies in the sky towards the old abandoned warehouse in the outskirts of town.

“Help, somebody help us!” Super Potato picks up high-pitched wails, with his super hearing, from the old abandoned warehouse.

Super Potato bursts through the ceiling of the warehouse and lands steady on his two feet, right in front of Fred.

“Do not fear; Super Potato is here!” Super Potato states confidently in his superhero-voice. That was his signature line.

“Ahh, Super Potato, how nice it is to see you again,” cackled Fred like a witch.

Fred was this old villain who looked and smelled like he hadn’t taken a shower in thirty years. He wears a black bandana on his head to cover up his bald spot and an oversized trench coat to cover up his wrinkly and grimy arms. The pair of pants he wore was a slimy shade of green and had blotches of God-knows-what. Over all, he had a really unpleasant and unappealing look and all he thought about all day were different ways of making money. They were usually evil ways.

“What are you doing to those kids?!” Super Potato points to the little potatoes Fred captured and suspended over a giant machine filled with boiling hot oil.

“Well, you see, after I was locked up for robbing that bank, I was plotting. I was plotting on how to make more money without working. And, well, I see people selling things and they become great entrepreneurs! So I thought to myself, why not sell POTATO CHIPS to those humans in supermarkets!” Fred droned on and on while pacing around with his back to Super Potato. Then he laughed evilly. But he did not know that Super Potato was not listening and already trying to free those little potatoes.

“You fiend!” Fred yelled when he zapped Super Potato with his ray gun, leaving Super Potato sprawled on the ground in pain, “You see that machine, that’s my deep-fryer. I am going to deep-fry these twits and then I’ll make millions when I sell them to the humans’ supermarket!” He emphasized on the word ‘millions’.

“That’s so uncool.” Super Potato stands up and dusts the imaginary dirt of his shoulders.

Then Super Potato socked Fred in the face. The next thing you know, Super Potato and Fred were in a hand to hand combat. But the little potatoes were slowly being lowered into the vat of boiling oil in the deep-fryer!

It’s funny how they were slowly being lowered into the vat of boiling oil.

Super Potato sees the danger approaching the little potatoes. They were too young to die! Desperate times call for desperate measures. Super Potato unveils his furious giant bubble gun of fury (Pehtin has the habit of having really long names for the gadgets he invents).

“Behold the furious giant bubble gun of fury!” Super Potato announces.

Super Potato blasts Fred with the furious giant bubble gun of fury and traps Fred in a giant bubble!

Fred tries to escape from the bubble but to no avail. His cries were muffled in the bubble and Super Potato rescues the little potatoes just in time. The little potatoes cheer as Super Potato gently sets them down on the ground.

In a matter of seconds, the deep-fryer was destroyed by Super Potato’s powerful punch of doom!

“Super Potato, can I have your autograph?” One of the little potatoes asks Super Potato excitedly.

“Can I take a picture with you?” Another one of them cheers.


“Thank you Super Potato,” praised one of the Starchville cops when the cop car arrived.

The cops hauled the now-struggling-to-get-free-from-the-handcuffs Fred into the back of the cop car.

“Goo’ job bro, I knew you could do it! I had no doubts at all!” Pehtin buzzed in on The Patch again after he heard about Super Potato’s triumph.

“Thanks bro couldn’t have done it without a super genius friend like you!”

And with that, Super Potato burst through the ceiling once more and flew back home for a nice, relaxing victory bath. And after that, he is going to do his favourite thing to do at home, sitting in front of the telly and being a couch potato

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