Chapter 28: Privacy

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On their last morning with her family, (Y/N) was somewhat surprised to wake up alone. Grimacing while her eyes adjusted to the light, she quickly went about packing the rest of her belongings, noticing Zac's bag neatly packed and sitting just inside the door.

After showering and getting ready, she reassembled the bunk beds- smiling to herself as she thought back to the perfect, romantic nights they'd shared- staying up till all hours of the night and talking with each other. It was unspoken between them, but ever since they'd said those three little words to each other, there was a noticeable difference between them and how they communicated with each other.

Ryan took them both by surprise when he introduced them; neither of them were looking for a serious relationship. With that in the back of their minds, as their feelings for the other developed, so too did their anxiety. They were both afraid the other may not feel the same way about them, so when they finally came clean with each other, it felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted off them. They could love each other out in the open instead of having to bottle up their emotions.

(Y/N) anxiously glanced down at her watch. They needed to be headed back to Chicago to catch their flight back to LA. Her brothers had all left the day before, leaving Y/N and Zac alone with her parents for one last night.

Y/N had been trying to avoid a long, drawn-out goodbye with her parents, but they needed to be on their way. Expecting to find Zac in the kitchen of the main house, she was surprised to find only her mom sitting at the counter as she read the paper.

"Have you seen Zac?"

"I did," her mom was nonchalant as she straightened the newspaper. "He was up early. The three of us had a nice breakfast together and then he and your dad went for a walk."

"A walk?" Y/N raised her eyebrow at her mom.

"I think you've got yourself a really, really good guy," her mom subtly changed the subject.

"I do," Y/N confirmed, letting out a sigh. "We just have to get on the road if we're going to make it to O'Hare without having to run for it."

"I wish you didn't have to go so soon," her mom pulled her in for a hug.

"Me too, but this was such an incredible week. I know Zac would say the same."

"Just don't let it be six months before you two are back here."

"We'll do our best," they separated from each other.

Y/N walked onto the back deck of the house. Zac and her dad were walking along the dock, towards the house. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but they were both smiling. Zac had his hands stuffed in the pockets of his shorts as he listened intently. As they reached the end of the dock, her dad offered Zac his hand, which Zac shook, before they quickly hugged each other.

She couldn't help but smile to herself, watching the two men who meant the most to her get on so well.

Startled when he noticed Y/N watching them from the deck above, Zac asked, "Is it time to go already?"

"I'm afraid so," she sighed, and she was genuinely sad to be leaving their little oasis with her family behind.

After one last round of hugs and goodbyes with her parents, they were off, with Zac sitting in the driver's seat, despite Y/N's protest.

"Siri, shuffle Delta, by Mumford and Sons," Zac instructed as he adjusted the car mirrors.

"This is my favorite album of theirs," Y/N lamented as Zac carefully slowly pulled out of the driveway.

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