Chapter 24: Feels Like Home

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As they walked towards the back door of a house that was a far cry from the "tiny little cabin" she had described, Zac could hear raised voices and what sounded like shouting.

He couldn't hide his nerves as he anxiously asked, "Everything ok in there?"

"Oh, yeah," she calmly replied, comforting him by squeezing his hand in hers. "They're not arguing...that's just how they communicate with each other."

Zac laughed to himself. If that was the baseline, he was curious to know how things sounded when they got out of hand.

Before they could say anything else, the door flew open and they were greeted with rush of cold air that contrasted with the heat and humidity outdoors. There was a flurry of activity as they were ushered into the house and Zac was hugged, patted on the back, or had his hand shook by what felt like at least a dozen people- and he'd completely lost track of (Y/N) in the process.

He'd never felt so welcomed by anyone in his life; he immediately felt at home and relieved, even as he struggled to get his bearings in the chaos.

"Zac!" (Y/N) called out for him, and he scanned the crowd looking for her. Eventually his eyes locked in on their target, who was holding a small baby. "This is my dad, Chuck," she leaned her head towards a very distinguished looking man with salt and pepper hair while she bounced the little one on her hip.

"Pleasure to meet you, finally," Chuck shook Zac's hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, finally," Chuck shook Zac's hand

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"The pleasure is all mine," Zac replied. "Thank you so much for having me."

"Believe it or not Dad, you two have actually met...sort of," (Y/N) blushed and she and Zac shared a knowing smirk.

"Ahhhh, yes," Chuck laughed. "The young gentleman from the living room," he recalled. "Well, certainly seems things worked out," he patted Zac's shoulder.

"Indeed they have," Zac folded his arms over his chest as he focused on (Y/N) with that baby in her arms.

"And this is my mom, Camille," (Y/N) introduced them, and her accent was decidedly French as she pronounced her mom's name.

"Oh, you are right, he is very handsome," Camille extended her hand to Zac while she looked back at (Y/N).

"Told you," (Y/N) smirked.

"Well, it's obvious where this one gets her beauty from. It's lovely to finally meet you," Zac flirted as he kissed Camille's hand. "And who is this little guy?" Zac turned his attention to the baby in (Y/N)'s arms.

"This is Luca," she cooed, focusing her attention on the baby. "He was born just before I moved to California," her gaze met Zac's and he couldn't stop smiling at her. "Did you meet everyone else?"

"Um, I think so," he blushed. "But...I hope there isn't a test later," he nervously rubbed the back of his head and everyone's attention was on them as they returned to their seats around a large table.

Down To Earth:  A Zac Efron Character X Reader NovelWhere stories live. Discover now