Chapter 59: Utah*

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*Six Months Later*
March 2022
Park City, Utah

"Hey, Zac, make sure you drive home safe," one of the staffers at Kodiak encouraged him.

He'd been in town for several weeks, working on finalizing a deal for him to become the company's chief brand officer but everyone had left the office early, due to an impending snow storm.

Looking down at his phone, after his call to Y/N went straight to voicemail he replied, "Yep, I'm headed out shortly."

"Wasn't your wife supposed to come out this weekend?"

His cheeks bloomed with crimson as soon as they said it. His wife. He still couldn't get enough of anyone saying that.

"She was but uh...with the storm and all. Her flight in was tomorrow so not sure she's going to be able to make it."

"That's too bad," the staffer replied. "How long has it been since you've seen her?"

"Three weeks," he sighed.

"It must be hard."

"It is," Zac nodded. "We're used to it but..."

"It doesn't mean you don't miss her when she's not around."

"Exactly," Zac sighed, trying to hide his disappointment before powering down his MacBook. "I'll see you on Monday," he quickly packed his backpack before leaving.

Before returning to the small ski chalet that he had been renting while he was in town, he stopped by the local grocery store for provisions, just in case he was stuck in for a few days.

While he waited on line to checkout with a bottle of scotch, a box of cereal, and various snack foods, his mind swirled with anxiety.

Besides the fact he missed Y/N terribly, he was disappointed he wasn't going to get to see her before their doctor's appointment in a few weeks. While they'd only been trying to get pregnant for a few months since their miscarriage, they both agreed they didn't want to wait before they started with IVF.

On a late night all alone, he had gone down an internet rabbit hole, reading numerous blogs from other couples who had gone through the process. He knew they were at the top of yet another emotional roller coaster and he just wanted to hold her, for them to enjoy just a few more days together where they were only focused on each other and not hormone levels and follicle counts.

He grabbed his grocery bags from the back seat when he returned to his rental, and smirked to himself, thinking about how he would have been in trouble at home for forgetting to bring his reusable bags.

Feeling sorry for himself, with no idea what he was going to do for the entire weekend, all alone, he went inside.

He kicked his shoes off at the front door and unpacked his groceries. He grabbed a beer from the fridge before settling in on the couch, his feet up on the coffee table. He set his beer down, no coaster, and grabbed a video game controller.

Trying to figure out what he wanted to do next, he inhaled deeply and it was then he noticed it. The slightly sweet, earthy smell of sage. It was from the candles in the bedroom. Had he forgotten to blow them out? When had he lit them in the first place?

Not bothering to get up from the couch, he craned his neck towards the front door. The pile of shoes that had been haphazardly scattered at the front door over the last several days were neatly lined up against the wall.

He jumped up from the couch and ran down the hall so fast, he slid into the bedroom with his socks still on his feet.

He jumped up from the couch and ran down the hall so fast, he slid into the bedroom with his socks still on his feet

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Down To Earth:  A Zac Efron Character X Reader NovelWhere stories live. Discover now