Chapter 12: Teasing

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Going to work was a lot more fun when you were fucking your boss.

Over the past week at work, Charlie had become a lot more willing to sneak around with you, unable to stop himself. Both of you loved the thrill of it, regardless of how dangerous it all was.

Everytime the two of you had a moment alone, Charlie's lips were on yours, large hands holding you in place so that he could kiss you as much as possible until the alone time was over. You'd always eat lunch together, him explaining to everyone that he needed to go over notes alone with you. He still packed you food everyday, learning quickly what you liked and what you didn't, choosing dishes thoughtfully. You two had spent enough time together at this point that you had formed inside jokes, some laughter that only you both knew about. All it took was a knowing glance across the room and you'd both be grinning like idiots.

You hadn't had enough time alone to actually have sex since the night he spent at your apartment. The closest you had gotten was his hand snaking up your skirt while he pressed you against the wall of the stairwell, after everyone had gone home. It had been interrupted quickly, someone entering the building and making the two of you quickly part ways.

You were both aching for each other.

So, now, when you were sitting on the ground of Charlie's apartment, building a Lego set with Henry, all you could think about was the fact that you were in his home.

There had been parent-teacher conferences at Henry's school, both Charlie and Nicole wanted to attend so you needed to hang out with Henry until they got back. Not the perfect way to spend your Friday night but you supposed it could've been worse.

You went to put the blocks away, wanting to clean up but Henry stopped you. "Not until mom gets home. I want to show her what we made." He told you, even though he had already focused his attention on his iPad instead.

You sighed, smiling, "Fine." You said, moving from the floor and onto the couch, bare knees sore from rubbing against the carpet. You noted that Henry never wanted to show Charlie anything, never got excited about him coming back home. It was always Nicole. It made you sad, you knew how hard Charlie tried for Henry.

As if on cue, the front door opened, Nicole walking inside.

"Oh and there she is." You told Henry, trying to sound casual. It definitely was far from casual for you to be around the woman whose husband you were having an affair with.

"Mom! Come here. Look how cool." Henry said excitedly, abandoning the iPad by placing it in your lap as he moved over to the 'castle' the two of you had built together with the blocks.

"Oh wow!" Nicole pretended to gush, sending you a smile as she made her way over, "That is awesome, Henry." She told him, forcing an excited mom tone.

As she crouched down, feigning interest as she looked it over, Charlie entered the apartment, trailing behind her. His eyes instantly went to you, making you straighten up in your seat on the couch.

The same couch that you sat on his lap and he made you cum with his hand around your mouth to silence your whines while the thunderstorm raged on outside of the window a few weeks ago.

The memory made your skin burn, heart speeding up. You broke eye contact with him, focusing your eyesight on the iPad in your lap, silencing the game that Henry had pulled up and pretending to be busy with it. You found it difficult to look at Charlie when his family was around, it felt so wrong.

Charlie's mind had wandered in the same direction. Seeing you perched up on the couch cushion, wide eyed and adorable, knees red from leaning on the floor, made a silly grin fall onto his lips as he shut and locked the door behind him.

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