Chapter 17 : Ice Cream

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Even though the both of you barely fit on it together, sleeping in the same bed as Charlie was always more comfortable than sleeping alone.

And although Charlie's back and neck always hurt when he woke up, having to squish in between you and the wall, he was always disappointed when it was time to leave. Sleeping in uncomfortable environments wasn't entirely new to him. He usually had to sleep on the couch back at home. If he had to choose between being uncomfortable alone or uncomfortable with you, his choice was obvious.

    As the light began flooding past the curtains in your apartment, you made a noise in your sleep, pulling the blankets closer around you, searching for him beside you. You were met with just the sheet and it caused your eyes to flutter open, wondering where he went.

    As you adjusted to the light, you were able to see him sitting on one of your kitchen chairs, tying his shoes.

    "Hey," You called out to him, glancing at the clock. It was still early.

    Charlie's head instantly perked up at the sound of your voice, shaking hair out of his eyes as he did so. Your voice sounded raspier than usual because of your sleep; it was adorable. "Good morning, sweetheart." He said with an affectionate smile.

    "You're leaving?" You asked, propping yourself on your elbow. The disappointment was evident in your face. You knew you couldn't keep him around forever but you weren't ready to give him up yet.

    "No," He assured you then frowned, realizing. "Well, yeah, I am. But I'll be right back." He said, standing up and pulling on his sweatshirt that had been drying on the back of your chair. "I was gonna grab us some breakfast."

    You relaxed then, your frown being quickly replaced with a smile. "Oh." You said, laying back down against your mattress. "I have food, though, you don't have to do that." You told him, thinking of any excuse to get him back to cuddling with you.

    Charlie laughed out loud at that, a deep rumble in his chest as he made his way over to you on the bed. "Honey, you have some candy and what looks like half a slice of pizza." He told you, "That's not breakfast for you and it certainly isn't breakfast for me."

    You smiled sheepishly, remembering that he was correct. You couldn't argue with him there. It had been a while since you visited the grocery store.

    Charlie took a seat on the edge of your bed, his hand going to your legs even though he wasn't able to touch your skin, the blanket wrapped around your body. "Let me get us something. There's that coffee shop down the street, they have good stuff. You'll like it."

    You hummed, agreeing with that. It did sound nice to have actual food. Your hand moved so that it was resting on top of his. In the back of your mind, you were pleased that he still wasn't wearing his ring. "I suppose I'll allow it." You teased him.

    Charlie chuckled, turning his hand over so that his palm was against yours. He intertwined his fingers with yours, heart pounding at how much smaller your grip was in his. "How generous of you." He teased you right back.

    You swallowed hard when you felt his thumb rub against your skin, soothing you. You couldn't help yourself from sitting up in bed and scooting up close to him.

    Charlie grinned at that, bringing his free hand in on your waist, pulling you closer. His lips went to your forehead, pressing them there for a long moment before bringing you into what resembled a hug, just wanting you near him.

    "If it were up to me, I'd never leave you," Charlie murmured, being honest. If he could somehow have Henry here, he would never go back to Nicole or their house. He'd just stay with you and deal with the fallout. But there were so many reasons why it wasn't possible and he was aware that it was immature for him to even daydream about it.

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