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Update- 30/8/2021
Added joke 😩

Nicks pov

I woke up, the room was... empty?, where was Karl, Clay and George?.

I flipped over realising how cold I was and how dark it was outside, I started walking to the kitchen. I approached the door and opened it.

Karl was in there, just sitting on the counter, I quickly flinched back and gasped. I didn't know the guy was there it scared the crap out of me.

Karl jerked his head up, "oh hey!." He smiled and waved then turned his focus back on his phone.

"What are you doing in here? And where's the other two?."

"Oh Clay and George are in your bedroom and I came in here because I got bored" He shrugged and took a bite out of a chocolate bar.

"Ohhhh, wait they better not had have...." I stopped himself, my eyes widened.

Karl giggled at my 'realisation', "they didn't, trust me I would've heard."

"Oh thank fuck," He sighed in relief, "what time is it?."

"Uh it's like 5:00am."

"Oh, I need more sleep" Nick whiled.

"Oh you think it's bad I have collage in a hour"

"I thought it was a Saturday?" Nick yawned.

"Oh yeah."

I giggled a bit then walked over to the pantry. I looked around to see what I wanted, there was a lot of junk but I realised he needed breakfast.

I looked around a bit then saw eggs, "ay Karl, want fried egg on toast or something?."

"I'm not feeling fried egg...," he trailed off "maybe an omelet."

"Ugh, I'm to tierdddd."

"I'll make it then you big baby." Karl rolled his eyes then jumped off the counter, he pushed me out of the way then grabbed the egg box.

Karl got a bowl then cracked two eggs inside it.

"Where's the cheese?" He asked while pulling his sleeves up.

"Uhm... in the fridge"

Karl nodded then started grating the cheese, I got bored so I walked to my room.

I silently opened the door and turned in the light, Clay and George was obliviously cuddling.

They had there shirts on which was a good thing, no clothes on the floor check. Looks like we're clear.


Georges eyes shot open. "Huh?" He said while sitting up.

He looked around a bit confused at first, "what Nick? It's to early"

"I'm bored and Karl's cooking breakfast."

"Just eat mine and Clays, we'll eat later" George mumbled as he layed back down next to his fast asleep boyfriend.

I rolled his eyes then switched the light back on, I did kept the door open just incase the two had any ideas.

Look you can never be to careful.

"NICK, FOOD!" Karl called from the kitchen.


I ran to the kitchen, "keep that for the bed Nick" Karl winked, I felt myself flash pink leaving Karl to giggle.

"Right." I rolled my eyes then grabbed my plate of omelette.

Karl had his already in his hands, eating it with a fork, I was to tired and ate it with my hands. What? I was hungry.

"Ewwww, Nick!"

I chuckled then rolled my eyes again, "look I'm hungry."

I finished my omelette at the same time Karl did, "awh man I thought I'd win" He pouted.

We heard the door fling open, it was just Clay.

"Morning" He groaned, walking over to the sink, he grabbed a cup then filled it with water.

"Morning moody, where's George?"

"I dunno, asleep maybe?" He said after he took two big gulps of his water.

"Alright alright you got me there."

Karl laughed at us being idiots, "anyways what are you two doing up," Clay took a deep breath and pulled a surprised face "and why do I smell egg?."

"We had an omelette, made by yours truly," Karl bowed, "want some coffee?."

"Not a big coffee person, I'd prefer a omelette"Clay yawned.

"I'm not your slave! Make it yourself" Karl huffed.

I got bored once again,I walked to the living room then flopped myself on the couch.' I could go back to sleep' I thought to myself.

And with that I fell into a relaxing sleep.

Karl's pov

We heard the living room door shut, probably Nick going back to sleep.

Me and Clay sat in a silence, "so," he stated "you and Nick..."

I looked at him then arched my eyebrow as I put mine and Nicks plate in the wash, "what about me and Nick?"

"You two like... dating?"

My eyes widened, "ew no, why?"

"I dunno you guys just... have a bond, you two should date."

"I never really thought of it that way..."

I stood there thinking for awhile, wow me and Nick do do weird things, well weird for friends... our friendship might just be built different.

But if Nick did ask me out... I wouldn't mind it... now starting to think about it I wouldn't mind it at all.

"You should start thinking about it that way then," Clay suggested "I think you guys could really hit it off."

"Me too..." I said while pulling my sleeves down then covering my red cheeks.

Clay looked over at me, "you're blushing" He pointed out.

"AM NOT!" I shouted at him playfully.


"Fine fine shhhh quite down" I muttered.

"Well I should get going, my prince awaits" He said dramatically.

"Oh yeah by the way..."

Clay looked back at me before he left the room.

"I saved your guys asses, why is he so loud!?"

Clay blushed...

"What?" Karl questioned "its not you that was moaning."

"It was..."



"Just make sure to give me some money and make sure Nick cleans the bedsheets before he sleeps in them again."

He nodded then left, oh by the way if you didn't know what I meant and why Clay owes me... maybe it should stay that way.

I went into the living room then sat on the armchair couch,I played on my phone for the rest of the morning.

1007 words

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