Chapter 9 | A Confession

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The school day quickly ended without any other events. Currently, I was sitting next to Jugyeong on the bus. We were talking like usual until Jugyeong got a notification from her phone. The brunette glanced at her phone before whining out loud. I chuckled at the girl's antics.

"Is it Suho with another favor?" I teased the clearly distressed girl.

"Yes," Jugyeong whined exasperatedly. She frantically started to type something back to Suho, but I gently placed my hand on her screen. The brunette looked at me confusedly.

"You deserve a break, Jugyeong." I scolded the girl as she smiled sheepishly, "Stop texting him. Tell him you're out with me." Jugyeong's eyes jumped from the lit phone screen back to me several times, clearly torn on what to do.

"But, I don't want him to get mad at you." The brunette's eyes were clouded over with worry, but I reassured her with a small smile.

"It's fine JuJu, besides I can hold my own against Suho. I've done it before and I can do it again." I playfully nudged Jugyeong whilst sending her a wink. The brunette laughed out loud from my facial expressions as she texted Suho.

"Done." She jabbed her screen, sending the text. Jugyeong turned to me with a grin on her face.

"Ah, Suho will probably give me dirty looks for the entire day tomorrow." I chuckled while looking out the window. Jugyeong tugged at my arm.

"Hey Yoona, do you want to come with me? If you don't have much homework of course." Jugyeong's eyes shone with excitement as she questioned me.

"Uh-," I glanced at my phone to check the time, "Sure? Where are we going?" I looked at the brunette with confusion. The bus let out a loud screech as we came to a stop.

"It's a surprise!" Grinning, she grabbed my arm and pulled me off the bus. I chuckled with amusement as she excitedly pulled me down the sidewalk.

The scenery became more and more familiar with every step I took. Then, out of nowhere, it hit me. We were near the Prince Comic Book store. I shook my head with disbelief. Out of all the places, here? My heartbeat quickened as we got closer and closer to the entrance of the store. It's too late to back out now, Yoona. With a deep breath, I held my head high and walked in without looking back.

As soon as we were in the store, Jugyeong turned around and jumped up with joy. A genuine smile spread across my face from seeing her this happy; she was just like him. The brunette dragged me throughout the small store to show me her favorite comics but explained how she had to pick up some comics for Suho. My eyebrows quirked at that, but it wasn't my place to say anything. Jugyeong went to buy the comics for Suho, as I walked around the familiar store. A bittersweet smile formed on my face as my feet led me to his favorite spot.


Ding. Ding. Ding.

The old wind chimes rang as the door creaked open. I looked down at my phone to make sure that this was the right place. Looking around, I noticed that the store was old but it had an overall cozy atmosphere. I made my way towards the open seating area; he was supposed to be here in a few minutes. Not wanting to look awkward, I wandered around the comic book store, admiring the vast library of comics. It made sense that he would like to come here, he was the biggest comic book nerd I knew.

I grabbed a couple of comics and made my way back to the seating area. Out of all the seating, the rustic-looking chair had something special about it. Maybe it was old-fashioned or maybe it's because it looked cozy, but something just drew me to it. As soon as I sat down and opened my comic, I heard the door open with the familiar tune of the wind chimes.

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