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There was a soft chill spreading through the plane as a hum followed suit, the early morning travellers were eager to get off of the plane as they had been flying all night. The hot dallas air was lost inside the cabin as the air conditioning of the plane was on full blast. As passengers and staff made quick work of taking down their belongings from the overhead compartments, a single woman sat row 7B, her head was hung low as she typed at her phone- this being the first time she had been able to receive a signal in over seven hours. She was texting her sister, letting her know that her flight had arrived. "Sorry Y/N- I'm hung up at work- I left the key under the mat."

Figures, Y/N had been planning this trip for months, but staying in dallas with her sister however, that had been a last minute decision. The young woman had earned herself a spot in the health sciences program at Southern Methodist university. Despite it's name, it wasn't religious, which was a relief for Y/N because she didn't think she could handle having to learn about a religion all semester. When she first got the news that she was accepted, her plan was to stay at a dorm- after all, it was entirely paid for, and it would give Y/N the chance to start gaining some independence. But, her parents weren't too keen on the idea.

Regardless of their divorce last spring, her parents, Marty and Helen still seemed to agree on many things. One of those being their parenting choices.

So, Y/N was given an option.

If she wanted to attend the summer program, she would have to stay with her sister Addison. Whom had moved to dallas several years ago to become a cheerleader for the local football team. Everyone in the family was apprehensive when Y/N's older sister told them her plan, but, she had made things work and they were really proud of her. Well, Marty and Helen were.

Addison was your typical bleach blonde cheerleader, it was almost sad how stereotypical she was. In contrast to her sister, Y/N was a bookworm. Her nose was always in a textbook of some sort and she was fairly reserved. Shaking her head as she read the text once more, Y/N ordered herself an Uber for the next hour. She would have to wait for baggage so their was no sense in calling it early.

She lifted herself from the less than comfortable airplane seat and maneuvered her way through the line of people. A tall gentlemen whom she had shared her row with through the flight grabbed her bag for her- earning a smile from the soft spoken girl. "Thank you."

Walking off the plane and through the airport, Y/N felt a sense of excitement. Maybe it was a good thing that her sister couldn't pick her up. It would give her the chance to grab some food and decompress after all the travelling. Even though she was relatively quiet, she knew that she could get irritable- especially around Addison.

And if Addison brought her boyfriend around, Y/N knew that she would lose it. She couldn't imagine having to sleep under the same roof as the two of them when they were together- they were far too rowdy in her opinion, back when she was in high school- they came to visit once and Y/N swore that she could hear every single thing they did from her bedroom- from kissing to more intimate things, Y/N was thoroughly disgusting.

As a crowd started to form around the baggage claim, Y/N winced- stretching out her back which had kinked up from sitting for a long duration of time. She watched the various travellers pass her by, some ranging from old to young, while others were somewhere in between. She saw a man with bright red curly hair and blue eyes, a chilled physique that reminded her of a movie star, and then a titanium blonde- looking so closely to her sister that Y/N was almost convinced that it was her.

But alas it wasn't, Y/N would have to take an uber home after all.

With her suitcase stacked onto a luggage cart and her back pack around her shoulders- Y/N dropped her carry-on onto the top of the pile and started heading out to the drop-off/pick-up location. It didn't take long to throw her belongings in the trunk with the help of her driver, whom she had learned was named Carol.

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