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Tyler's mind was running on overdrive He kissed Y/N- She kissed him. But he did nothing to stop her, in fact he encouraged her. He made out with his girlfriend's baby sister. And by god, he enjoyed it.

As their lips detached, Tyler stared breathlessly down at Y/N. His face flushed and the back of his neck sweaty. They had to stop this before they went any further. He may have wanted to go further, but he wasn't about to disrespect Y/N like that, or Addison- he had already hurt his girlfriend even if she didn't know about it.

Y/N looked up at him in awe, she didn't know what she was going to do. She couldn't believe what she had just done. How on earth could she have let herself go through with something like that.

Not only did she insert herself into a relationship, but she inserted herself into her sister's relationship. Oh god Addison. How could she betray her sister like this?

Biting his lip, Tyler panicked. He couldn't process the fact that he might have just ruined his relationship while also hurting another amazing woman- this was not the man his mother had raised. "You should go." Y/N sputtered, beating him to the punch- finding the wind knocked out of him, his eyes widened.

"What?" he asked, confusion etching across his brows, the deep brown stare he had narrowing across Y/N's figure.

The wheels were turning in Y/N's head and she felt like she was going to throw up. "I shouldn't have kissed you tyler." She whispered, horror falling off her tongue like a heavy breath in the cold. "I just kissed you- you're dating my sister for fuck's sake! What is wrong with me?" she pressed her face into her hands.

Tyler shook his head, shifting off the bed and onto the floor. He kneeled in front of her, taking her hands from her face and directing her to look at him. "Y/N- There is nothing wrong with you- I promise." he gulped. "You're right we shouldn't have kissed. Not right now- I'm still with Addison, but I love you. I know its an awful situation and that it wasn't supposed to turn out this way- but all we can do now is move forward."

Feeling a roll of anxiety in her stomach, Y/N tightened her eyes shut. Her lips parting in a shaken mumble. "You don't understand- I-I the situation- It's not okay." tears began to form at the edge of her eyes, her heart pounding against her chest.

The man's gaze softened. "Then help me understand sweetheart- talk to me please." He reached out and cupped her cheek.

With quivering lips, Y/N opened her mouth to speak- ready to tell him everything.

"Whats going on here?" But before she could, Addison's familiar shallow voice sounded from the bedroom door.

Whipping her head towards the door, Y/N furiously wiped her tears. "Nothing-" she cleared her throat, hoping that the waver in her voice wouldn't betray her, but matched with her puffy eyes, Addison was already suspicious.

Tyler straightened up immediately. "Nothing- She was having issues with miro." he lied. He was quick on his feet, which only made Y/N feel worse. She hated that they were lying to her sister and that they had now done something awful behind her back.

As her teeth dug into her bottom lip, Y/N stared at the floor. Ignoring her sister's prying gaze from the door. She could feel the tension rolling around the room- it was almost suffocating. Saving her from her distress, Tyler spoke up. "What happened to your plans?" he asked, smiling as he walked towards Addison, pressing his lips to her cheek- the small action making Y/N's heart shatter in her chest as she watched them.

"Something came up- I decided to come home." her voice was full of weariness as she examined the scene in front of her.

Tyler nodded. "Well why don't we give Y/N some space- shes had a rough night." The fact that lying came so easily to him disgusted the young girl in the room, why was he so good at it? How come it was so easy to hide her?

Addison nodded. "I'm just going to grab a shower." she shook her head, deciding that whatever was going on with YN wasn't her responsibility right now.

Leaving with a peck on her lips from her boyfriend, the older sister walked down the hall and towards the bathroom- locking herself away behind the door.

As The man turned around to check on the younger girl, he found that she was brushing past him with her coat and tearful face. "Wait where are you going?" He called out, quickly following her to the front door.

"Anywhere but here."

The door slammed behind her and Tyler was isolated.

Standing in the middle of the apartment, he felt the chill of the situation run up his spine. They had fucked up big time. He didn't understand why Y/N was so upset. Obviously he was aware that she hurt her sister, and that she felt guilty, but she wouldn't have kissed him unless she really felt for him- just like he wouldn't have kissed her if he didn't feel strongly for her. Something else was going on.

He walked back towards the kitchen, finding Addison's bag on the island. Her phone began to vibrate within her purse, the low hum catching Tyler's attention. Pushing the leather opening apart, he dug around the bag- tossing things aside onto the counter such as lipgloss, gum, tissues and her wallet. "Addison your phone is ringing!" he called out through the apartment.

The vibrating stopped and Tyler cursed. He hadn't been fast enough to answer the call. Finally grabbing the hot pink phone case, he took out the device and let his eyes scan the screen. She had two missed calls from Dani. Furrowing his brows, he watched as a message notification bubble popped upon the screen. "We can't keep hiding like this Addie- I love you- But im not going to sit by while you two time me and your boyfriend.... Were done."

Hammering took a hold of Tyler's chest. His heart pumping and his mind reeling as the gears twisted in his head- What the hell was going on? What was this? As he read the message for a second time, then a third and a fourth everything started to make sense.

All the missed dates and cancelled plans, all the times that addison had put their dinner reservations on hold, or said she was being held back at practice- all those times that she had gone to help dani with rehearsal, or given the "girl" a drive home after work.

It was complete and utter bullshit.

"Tyler.." Addison ran around the corner, hair wet and her clothes thrown on haphazardly. "Who was on the phone?" she spoke carefully.

Raising his head to meet her gaze, Tyler's eyes were taken over by a dark and murderous stare. "Who is Dani Addison?" he growled, squeezing the marble countertop with all his might as he struggled to stay calm.

Addison fumbled, looking at him nervously as she tried to come up with the right thing to say. She put on a fake smile and laughed. "A girl from work- You know that!" she tried to brush this off.

Tyler shook his head bitterly. "Don't lie to me." He had let her get away with shit like this for far too long- But now she had been caught.

As she reached for her phone, Tyler jerked backwards, keeping it out of her reach. "How long have you been cheating on me? Who is he?" He snapped, raising his voice as he stared at her heartbrokenly.

"His name is Daniel... " she whispered. "I promise you it hasn't been long- I love you!" she reached out, pressing her hands to his chest as she tried to have him look at her.

Tyler gulped, clenching his jaw. His eyes squeezed shut as he tried to burn the image out of his head- he couldn't imagine her with someone else. But he knew that he had also just made a mistake. Neither of them could be forgiven. "I kissed Y/N..." he confessed. "I fell for her. And I kissed her."

Addison's face contorted with hurt and anger, but while her feelings were justified, she knew that she couldn't get angry at him right now. "Get out." she muttered.

Not needed to be told twice, Tyler headed for the door- he couldn't stand being in that apartment for one more minute. He came over with the intention of making things right with Y/N- But instead left with a broken heart.

Shattered by the woman he loved, and bruised by the woman he once loved. 

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