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It was painful, to say the least. Avoiding Tyler had become more of a hardship than Y/N ever anticipated. At first she thought that she could simply go back to the way things were. He wasn't in her life until two months ago. The extent that she knew him was minimal, he had such a little impact on her.

But suddenly, it was like he was at the very epitome of her being. She couldn't focus. He was on her mind twenty-four seven and if she was lucky, she was able to get through a lecture without thinking of him more than once.

She didn't know how it happened, and she didn't know why, but there was one thing for certain.

Y/N had feelings for Tyler.

At every turn, the young woman was trying to force the feelings out of her system. She drowned herself in school work, but even the consistent work flow was not enough to keep her from missing him.

In the short time that she had gotten closer to the hockey player, it was like her eyes had been opened. He showed her a life that she never thought she would have. But it was too good to be true.

He wasn't hers, and seeing him so often was a painful reminder of that fact.

Every time Tyler showed up at the apartment with Addison, Y/N suddenly ran for the hills. She locked herself in her room and made excuses as to why she couldn't come out. She had even started going out by herself and miro- anything to not be in the same room as her sister and Tyler.

The last few months Tyler had spent with Y/N made him feel alive. She was the only thing he had outside of hockey and even more than that, she was his person. The affection he had received from her was more than he had in years. Every part of him was yearning for her to just talk to him.

There was no secret that he and Addison weren't alright. She was acting more and more distant and Tyler was trying his best to ignore it. He was used to dealing with Addison's shit, but he couldn't handle both sisters having a hatred for him.

He just needed things to be okay.

As if adding to her already piling mountain of stress, Y/N had failed her most recent test, the frustrations were eating away at her and it was starting to affect her school work. She couldn't let that happen.

Oh how she wished Tyler would swoop in and tell her that he was going to give her a break- that he was going to take her out onto the ice and teach her to skate until they laughed their lungs out again, or that he was going to hold her and promise her that everything was going to be okay.

She just needed a break. No drama, no stress, no Tyler and no feelings. She just wanted to tune it all out.

So instead of attending another day of lectures, Y/N was deciding to play hooky. Dragging herself up from her table in the cafeteria, she put a determined smile on her face and set out into the world- she wanted a break and that called for self-care.

After making a quick stop at the local Lush store, Y/N had a bag full of bath bombs and beauty products. She had visions of a warm bubble bath and maybe a glass of wine in her future. She wasn't sure how her sister would feel about her raiding the liquor cabinet, but at this point she really didn't care.

Kicking her shoes off at the front door, Y/N couldn't help but pout. Next to the coat rack were two jackets and a pair of mens shoes- along with her sister's heels. Good god, why did the universe hate her? Why on the very day that she needed a break, did her sister have to be home early and with Tyler of all people?

Deciding that she wasn't going to let them ruin her day, she tiptoed around the corner, planning to just sneak her way around the room and back to her bedroom where she could be alone.

Y/N bit her lip, taking a shallow breath as she headed across the room- making her way from the hallway into the living room. Muffled giggles and voices rang against her ears and she wanted to scream, please for the love of god make this end. Glancing up, she saw two figures in the living room.

Cuddled up on the couch, Addison tilted her head back and let out a moan. A pair of lips connected to her neck.

A pair of lips that did not belong to Tyler.

"What the fuck?"

Letting out a yelp, Addison jumped away from the man on the couch- pushing away from him and spinning around to see her sister. Her eyes were wide and her heart was pounding a million miles a minute.

"Who is that?" The man asked, pushing his black hair out of his face and getting up, grabbing his shirt as Y/N started to yell at her sister.

"Who the fuck- Addison who is that?!" Y/N shouted at her. "Where is Tyler? Are you- You're fucking cheating on him??" she screamed. In a split second, all respect that Y/N had held for her sister was gone- demolished the second she saw her lips on another man's. What in god's name was she thinking.

Did Tyler know? Oh god, what was Tyler going to think once he found out?

Addison looked at her lover and gulped. "Daniel- I'll call you later, just... fuck im sorry she wasn't supposed to be home." she rubbed her face, grabbing her clothes and pulling them back on.

Once the infamous 'Daniel' had disappeared out the front door, Y/N was going full on rage. "How could you do this?! Do you have any idea what that man has done for you?! Do you have any idea how much he loves you?!" she howled.

Addison shook her head. "You don't know the entire story- he's gone all the time! I'm here all alone!"

"That doesn't give you the right to cheat on him!" Y/N snapped.

Looking up with a panicked gaze, Addison's voice dropped. Seriousness whipping across her tone. "Y/N- you cannot tell him." she spoke sternly.

Gasping in shock, the younger sister looked at her incredulously. "Like hell I can't! He deserves to know- he's my friend!" she growled.

"But you're my sister- i've already put up with the fact that you two so obviously fell in love right in front of my eyes- So if you hold any respect for me at all- You will not tell him." Addison begged.

Y/N didn't know what to do. Her sister was calling her out and begging for her to do the impossible. It was her or Tyler, and Y/N didn't know what choice to make.

She could feel the blood rushing through her veins, practically clawing at her. She couldn't hear herself think, the sound of her stress was deafening.

"Fine." she answered solemnly. Swallowing harshly as she spun on her heel and headed to her bedroom. Slamming the door behind her, she felt her chest tighten. She now had to face reality.

Addison was a cheat, Tyler was oblivious- Y/N had fallen in love with him. 

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