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Entering the apartment Y/N was met with the sound of soft cries, she dropped her bag at the door- having had enough time to calm herself down. She didn't go far, just around the neighbourhood, long enough that she could cry her heart out and kick a couple bushes and trees to get her frustrations out. Was she proud of it? No. But she needed it.

But as she came back to the apartment, that familiar anxious feeling had returned. She no longer saw Tyler's shoes at the front door, his coat was gone from the hook and Addison was nowhere in sight.

Picking up her pace as she walked through the apartment, Y/N rounded the corner- seeing her sister curled up into a ball on the couch, holding a ball of wadded up tissue against her chest as mascara tracks ran down her cheeks.

"Addison- What happened?" she quickly rushed over, not caring that her shoes were still on her feet. She couldn't worry about that right now. When she left, her sister was in the shower and Tyler seemed smitten by her- so what had happened in the last hour that she was gone?

Sitting up and staring ahead at her younger sister, the bleach blonde cheerleader whimpered. "Tyler's gone- He knows about Daniel...." she sobbed softly into her hands.

Even though Y/N wanted Tyler to know the truth, she hated that her sister was hurt. Reaching out and wrapping her arms around her sister, she held the older girl close and closed her eyes, whispering into her hair. "I'm so sorry..." she bit her bottom lip. She really was, maybe if she had never come to dallas, they would have been able to resolve this without anyone getting hurt, but her being there complicated things.

Shaking her head, Addison sat up, pulling back. "It's not your fault- you tried to tell me what to do... I wouldn't listen..." she gulped.

The girl moved aside so her sister could sit on the couch next to her. Watching as her younger family found a worried gaze. "How did he find out?" Y/N asked softly.

Letting her lips part in a whimper, Addison chuckled at her own stupidity- sadness running along her coarse tone. "Daniel called my phone- Tyler heard it ring and went to check. When I didn't answer, daniel texted me... said that we were done- Tyler read the text." she cried, lunging forward and sobbing into her hands.

Feeling sympathy for her sister, Y/N rubbed the girl's shoulders. "It'll be okay Addie... Tyler will forgive you, and Daniel wasn't meant for you if he let you go so easily." she reassured her.

The sentiment was well appreciated by Addison- it was exactly what she needed to hear, however it didn't change the truth. "Maybe Tyler will forgive me... But he'll never come back- He loves you now... not me." she shared the information.

Y/N's heart clenched. She stared at her sister in shock who sighed. "He told me that you kissed..." she admitted.

Ready to apologize, Y/N opened her mouth- enough to let her lips part before her sister was cutting her off. "It's okay... I saw it coming. It was hard to ignore how quickly you two fell in love... I wasn't expecting it at first- but the more you two spent time together, i don't think I ever could have been oblivious to how much you love each other."

A warm sensation filled Y/N's chest at her sister's words. It wasn't exactly a blessing to go forth and be with Tyler. But knowing that her sister wasn't angry was more than enough for Y/N- She wouldn't be able to live with herself if their relationship had been obliterated because of a man. Even if Y/N loved that man very much.

"Where is Tyler now?" Y/N asked softly, caressing her sister's arm and taking her hand soothingly.

The woman shrugged. "I don't know- he just drove off..."

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