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~Harry 8, Zayn 9

"Come on babe." Liam said while leading Niall to his backyard. "You know I can't see and don't have a clue where I'm going right." "Yes I know that's why I'm guiding you, I promise you won't hit anything." "Ok but are we almost there." Niall ask being tired of being blindfolded and wanting to see his surprise. "Ok we are here." Liam say's taking off the blindfold

Niall Pov

What I saw in front of me was amazing I always wanted one to be able to climb up it and the inside being like a little house just for me and I can decorate it nice like the ones on tv I always see. "Niall." I heard knocking me out my thoughts.  "So do you like it?" "Yes I love it I always dreamed of having a tree house,thanks Li." I said climbing up the tree house to see the inside. The inside was even better and bigger it had fairy lights hanging up, beanbag chairs, books and blankets. Not much I guess he knows I want to add some off my own stuff to but it is amazing.

I turnt to look at Liam he was already looking at me I guess to see my reaction. "Thanks so much Li I really love it." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you like it." Liam said with a smile.

"I know this might be selfish towards our friends but can this just be our place, our special place togethet?" "Of course babe I would love to have a spot for just your and me. Liam said pulling Niall closer by his waist now placing a kiss on his cheek. "Can we spend our first night here tonight, I don't want to leave I want to stay." Niall said with cute puppy doll eyes. "Of course babe how could I ever say no to that."

The next day

"Come get me if you want your  pen back." Harry said running around the playground with zayn pen and zayn chasing him to get his pen back . Zayn like drawing on his self with pen and markers sometimes. He was just writing on himself a minute ago with his pen before Harry snatched it away from him.

His teacher and parents told him to stop drawing on his self before the ink sink into his skin and infect his arm but that doesn't phase him he still does it he is most definitely going to have tattoos when he get older he already want them.

Harry also care about his health thats why he snatched it from him and not going to give it back even though he know he can just find another one. Harry had been running away from zayn for a minute now before he noticed Zayn wasn't chasing after him no more he got a little disappointed like zayn just ditched him and didn't care enough to chase him. He started looking around but didn't see zayn so he started walking back from the direction he ran from.

"Gotchu." Zayn said pulling Harry from his waist and slipping his pen out of his small little hand. "Hey give that back no fair." "I'm sorry I thought it was mines to begin with." Zayn said with a smirk that made harry madder.  "That's not fair we was playing tag not hide n seek, you can't hide and catch me that's cheating." Harry said angry. "Aww why you so upset princess, I didn't know we was playing either." "I hate you." "And I love you." Said Zayn. With that harry walked over to Niall still a little angry but more happy after zayn words. Zayn knows that makes him happier so he walks over to get back to what he was doing before but Louis came up to him.

"Y'all are always playing." Louis says. "Aww is someone jealous and you got the nerve both you and Elenor is goofy that's the definition of playing to much." Zayn says replying to Louis. "Jealous of what and I'm the only real funny one." "Is that right Lou bear." Zayn says in a teasingly manner. "Stop for I kill you." "What's wrong Lou bear no need for violence." Zayn says with an smirk. "That's not my name, stop calling me that." "Oh really it is to Elenor." "Yeah only to her." Louis says now mad."

"Calm down Lou bear don't pull out the nine." Zayn says smirking at how he is making everyone mad today. "I'm for real zayn." "Whatever Lou bear." "Zayn I'm foreal." Louis says now yelling. "Ok dang whatever." With that Louis before getting even angrier leaving zayn on his own again.

"Gems where are we going?"  "Somewhere you will love." Gemma said while pulling Waliyha out her bed after their cuddle sesion. She pulls her downstairs and out the house to where she planned a nice pinic date with the help of her best friend John before she went over Waliyha house. After a short walk to the park because it wasn't that far they arrived and waliyha was shocked and happy her thirteen year heart was happy and she thinks she knows what it feel like to be inloved.

"Gems I love it and, I hate you for not telling me so I can wear something better. Waliyha said with a pout wearing some baggy sweatpants and a pajama top. "You look fine and anything and I love you too."

"I love you so much Gems promise me you won't ever leave me I don't ever want to lose you." "I promise I don't ever want to lose you either." Gemma said kissing her and holding her hand lightly to sit her down on the blanket so they could have their date.

Zayn was bored Doniya was out with her friends and waliyha went out with Gemma leaving him to be the only kid in the house with his mom and his dad l still at work so he decides to go to Harry house cause why not its literally right there and plus he miss his princess he walk in cause he's so use to being in their its like his second home. He says hi to Anne because she is the only one there than he goes up stairs in Harry room walking in plopping on the bed.

"Uh why are you in my room?" Harry askes. "Because this is my room as well." "No its not." "Aww I'm just playing, are you still mad?" "No." Harry says with a semi angry tone. "Are you sure baby?" "I'm not your baby." Harry says." "Don't be like that, I'm sorry." "Be like what and why are you saying sorry."

"Harry!" Zayn kinda scream and it shocked harry cause that's the first Zayn called him by his name. "What's wrong." Zayn ask. "Nothing, I'm sorry." Harry said almost about to cry. "No, I'm sorry please don't cry." It was to late tears was already coming down.

"I wasn't mad, I just hate when you tease me." Harry says tears still coming down his cheeks. "I'm sorry I won't do it agian." Zayn said wiping Harry tears with his hand and pulling him closer causing Harry head to lay against Zayn's chest.

The chapters only getting better from here in excited so updates might be quick thanks for reading please vote and leave me feedback.


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