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   I enter the garage from the house and see Marty walking in.We walk in hearing Emmett play the tape.

(Emmett:My god they found me.I don't know how but they found me.Run for it guys!."Reminds".My god they found me.I don't know how but they found me.Run for it guys!.)

   My heart breaks knowing what happenes next and I sigh.


Emmett:Oh hi guys.I didn't hear you come in. Fascinating device this video unit.

Marty:Listen Doc you know there's something I haven't told you about the night we made that tape.

Emmett:Please Marty don't tell me no man should know too much about their own destiny.

Marty:You don't understand.

Emmett:I do understand.If I know too much about my own future I could endanger my own existence just as you endangered yours.

Marty:Your,your right.

We go over to a model of the town.

Emmett:Let me show you my plan for sending you home.Please excuse the crudity of this model I didn't have time to build it to scale or to paint it.

Bri:Its good Emmett.

Emmett:Oh thank you,thank you.Okay now we run some industrial strength electrical cable from the top of the clocktower down to spreading it over the street between two lamp posts.Meanwhile we out-fitted the vehicle with this big pole and hook which runs directly into the flux capacitor.At the calculated moment you start off from down the street driving toward the cable execrating to 88 miles per hour.According to the flyer at 10:04 pm lightning will strike the clocktower sending 1.21 gigawatts into the flux capacitor sending you back to 1985.Alright now watch this.You wind up the car and release it."Hands him toy car".I'll simulate the lightening.Ready,set,release.

  The car catches on fire and goes off the table and burns a load of cloth.


Emmett puts the fire out as we walk over.

Marty:You extol me with a lot of confidence Doc.

Emmett:Don't worry I'll take care of the lightning you take care of your pop.

Bri:By the way what happened today did he ask her out?.

Marty:Uh I think so.

Bri:What did she say?.

   There is a knock at the door as i ask that and Emmett looks to see who it is.

Emmett:It's your mom she's tracked you down.Quick let's cover the time machine..

   Me and Marty cover the car and Emmett opens the door letting Loraine in.

Loraine:Hi Marty.

Marty:Uh Loraine.How did you know I was here?.

Loraine:I followed you.

Marty:Oh uh this is my Doc.Uncle Doc Brown.


Marty:And my aunt Briella.


   Me and Emmett walk to the other side of the room.

Loraine:Marty this may seem a little foreward but I was wondering if you would ask me to the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance on Saturday.

Marty:Uh you mean."Looks at Bri,Emmett".Nobody's asked you?.

Loraine:No not yet.

Marty:What about George?.

Loraine:George McFly?.Oh he's kinda cute and all but well I think a man should be strong so he could stand up for himself and protect the woman he loves.Don't you?.


   Later that night I am on the backyard as Marty is asleep in the house and I am sitting on the grass hill.I think about all my memories with Emmett and I start to feel sad knowing when we go back I'll be by myself...I know I don't have a crush on Emmett.I'm in love with him.Hes so eccentric,caring,loving and smart.He taught me so much in the last 30 years of my life.

Emmett:Briella.What are you doing out here?.

Bri:Oh just...Sky watching.Looking at the stars and moon.

   Emmett walks over and sits in the grass next to me.

Emmett:Y'know we haven't spent much time to get to know each other...I mean for me to get to know you.

Bri:Oh you have 30 years for that."Chuckles".Ill be born in 4 months.You'll be babysitting me a lot.

Emmett:We must be close then.


   I look at the stars and I begin to feel tears in my eyes.

Emmett:What's wrong?.


Emmett:Oh come on I can see somethings wrong.You can't hide it from me.

Bri:"Chuckles".Future you has said the same thing to me.

Emmett:What's wrong Briella.

Bri:I-I don't know if I want to leave.Life is so much more better in 1955.

Emmett:1955 is nice but it isn't your home.

I nod as i feel saddened.

Emmett:You'll always have a home with me.Even in the future.

Bri:I know.

I look away from Emmett.

Bri:Home is where the heart is.You always tell me that.

Emmett:Marty's been worried about you.Asking me if you've been okay mentally while he's away.

Bri:He shouldn't have to worry.Hes always like that towards me tho.He's often like a son to me.He likes to spy on my potential suiters in 1985.

Emmett:He's a good kid.


Emmett:I'd do the same thing.

Bri:No one stuck around.But you'd put them thru tests to see if they'd treat me right.Some were scared off but I didn't mind.You always were there."Smiles".

   Emmett smiles back at me and we continue to look at the stars and Emmett tells me the history behind them just like he has many times in the future.

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