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   We are now at Emmett's garage and Marty sets up the footage from earlier up on the TV.

Marty:Okay Doc this is it.

(Emmett:Never mind that,never mind that now,never mind that,never mind-)

Emmett:Why that's me look at me I'm an old man.

Bri:Not that old.Only in your 50's.

(Emmett:Good evening I'm Dr.Emmett Brown this is Dr.Briella Cooper.We're standing here on the parking lot of-)

Emmett:Thank god I still got my hair.What on Earth is that thing I'm wearing?.

Bri:Well this is a radiation suit.

   Marty begins speeding up the recording to the time we need it.

Emmett:Radiation suit of course cause all of the fall out from the atomic wars.This is truly amazing a portable television studio. No wonder your president has to be an actor he's gotta look good on television.

Marty:Whoa this is it,this is the part coming up Doc.

(Emmett:No,no,no this sucker's electrical but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the one 1.21 gigawatts of electricity-)

Emmett:What did I just say?.

Marty reminds the tape.

(Emmett:No,no,no this sucker's electrical but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity that I need.)

Emmett:1.21 gigawatts!.1.21 gigawatts!.Great Scott!.

   Emmett runs out of the garage and I run after him with Marty behind me.

Marty:What the hell is a gigawatt?.

   Soon we are in the house and Emmett's still freaking out.

Emmett:How could I have been so careless. 1.21 gigawatts.okks"Looks at photo".Tom how am i gonna generate that kind of power it can't be done,it can't.

Marty:Doc look all we need is a little plutonium.

Emmett:"Hangung photo".I'm sure that in 1985 plutonium is available at every corner drug store but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by.Marty I'm sorry but I'm afraid you're stuck here.

Marty:Whoa,whoa Doc stuck here I can't be stuck here I got a life in 1985.I got a girl.

Emmett:Is she pretty?.

Marty:Doc she's beautiful.She's crazy about me."Takes out paper".Look at this look what she wrote mr Doc.That says it all.Doc you're my only hope.

Emmett:Marty I'm sorry but the only power source capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning.

Marty:What did you say?.

Emmett:A bolt of lightning unfortunately you never know when or where it's ever gonna strike.

Marty:We do now."Hands him paper".

Emmett:"Reads it".This is it.This is the answer.It says here that a bolt of lightning is gonna strike the clock tower precisely at 10:04 pm next Saturday night.If we could somehow harness this bolt of lightning channel it into the flux capacitor it just might work.Next Saturday night we're sending you back to the future.

Marty:Okay alright Saturday is good Saturday's good I could spend a week in 1955.I could hang out you could show me around.

Emmett:Marty that's completely out of the question you must not leave this house.You must not see anybody or talk to anybody. Anything you do could have serious reprocautions on future events.Do you understand?.

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