Moony are you saying you love Wormy or Prongs more then me?!

306 13 11

Thursday afternoon

(3:12) Padfoot: Mooooony are you a cat or dog person?

(3:15) Moony: Dog, cats anger me

(3:17) Padfoot: Yes! You're the best! I'm obviously a dog person too but Prongs is trying to tell me cats are better (Wormtails on my side his deathly afraid of cats)

(3:18) Moony: Cats are very aggravating for no real reason but they are.
(3:19) Moony: Also I officially like Wormtail better then Prongs

(3:19) Padfoot: I mean some cats are ok, but dogs will always be better and I'm glad you agree
(3:19) Padfoot: Also I'm so telling prongs and wormy u said that!

(3:20) Moony: Um ok
(3:20) Moony: Was that a bad thing to say?

(3:21) Padfoot: What?
(3:21) Padfoot: Oh no, that's completely fine I'm just going to sit back and watch them fight over your love (knowing I'm the winner obviously)

(3:22) Moony: Ok Padfoot, keep telling yourself that.

(3:22) Padfoot: Excuse me?! Moony are you saying you love wormy or prongs more then me!

(3:23) Moony: Ok fine I guess I don't really know Prongs or Wormtail so you can take the lead as my favourite Maruder.

(3:24) Padfoot: Yes! Yes yes yes
(3:27) Padfoot: Prongs and Wormtail have dubbed you as a traitor for ever choosing me instead, and I said they owe me something for my victory

(3:28) Moony: Well... I don't know if I should be worried or happy

(3:28) Padfoot: Happy! For me, obviously

(3:29) Moony: Ok then Padfoot I'm extremely happy for you

(3:29) Padfoot: Good! I deserve it I reckon.
(3:29) Padfoot: I realised I have a question?

(3:29) Moony: What is it?

(3:30) Padfoot: So, I'm always talking about Prongs and Wormtail because they're like brothers to me, but you don't usually talk to me about your Prongs and Wormtail

(3:32) Moony: I don't have a Wormtail but I have a Prongs.
(3:33) Moony: He's very unique some would say but I know he's just crazy, but with a good sense of humour.

(3:34) Padfoot: Moony! No way, as if you haven't told me this before, tell me more about him?!

(3:35) Moony: He's one of the only few people I talk to, favourite friend, but never met him in person.

(3:35) Padfoot: Ok, so either, you meet lots of people online, or I could possibly be this person?
(3:36) Padfoot: If its not me, then tell me more!

(3:37) Moony: Guess I can't tell you more then.

(3:40) Padfoot: Hiya Moony, this is Wormtail, Padfoot started jumping up and down cheering, then ran and tackled Prongs to the bed. He made the mistake of leaving his phone unlocked, so hello!!!!!

(3:40) Moony: Hello Wormtail
(3:41) Moony: Did you read my texts?

(3:41) Padfoot: I have not, but I can, I just really wanted to say hello while he was preoccupied

(3:41) Moony: No don't worry about it they're not interesting just wondering.
(3:42) Moony: Is Sirius as crazy in real life as he is on text?

(3:42) Padfoot: Alright I won't then, but just letting you know Padfoot will be absolutely devasted you called his texts 'not interesting'
(3:43) Padfoot: Yes he absolutely crazy! Has he told you about the staircase story yet?

(3:43) Moony: No, what did he do?

(3:44) Padfoot: I don't know if I'm meant to tell you but I will
(3:44) Padfoot: so we might or might not have been playing a game
(3:44) Padfoot: he might have lost, so he had to slide down the stairs railing
(3:45) Padfoot: Then he had to go to detention
(3:45) Padfoot: He decided he didn't want to go to detention so making eye contact with the professor he kinda argh kinda just threw himself down the stairs so that he wouldn't have to go detention

(3:46) Moony: Well...
(3:47) Moony: Story he can tell his Grandchildren I guess
(3:47) Moony: hahaha

(3:47) Padfoot: Hmmm I doubt he would, that'll have to be my job

(3:48) Moony: True he'd probably pretend to have been the most innocent guy in the world.

(3:48) Padfoot: Is that what he has been doing to you !!

(3:49) Moony: Sorry, what?

(3:49) Padfoot: He has?!

(3:49) Moony: I'm confused

(3:50) Padfoot: Pretending to be innocent

(3:50) Moony: Padfoot?

(3:51) Padfoot: Yeah!

(3:51) Moony: Haha, he tries to tell me he's innocent but he's not

(3:52) Padfoot: His definitely not! I have to go now! Padfoot has just realised I'm on his phone, pray for me plahsiebfka jfksjhd she'd

(3:52) Moony: Ok good luck

(4:02) Padfoot: Moony! I conquered all the opponents just to win the phone back

(4:06) Moony: Good job, I'm proud of you Padfoot.

(4:08) Padfoot: Thank you Moony! That's means a lot coming from you

(4:10) Moony: Indeed it should
(4:10) Moony: So you've finished jumping all over Prongs?

(4:11) Padfoot: You can't blame me for celebrating !!

4:12) Moony: I suppose not

(4:12) Padfoot: Now what did silly Wormtail tell you?
(4:12) Padfoot: All good things I hope

(4:13) Moony: I guess you could say that, if you think jumping of a staircase to avoid detention is a good

(4:14) Padfoot: wormtail told you that?
(4:14) Padfoot: well I promise it was a one time thing?
(4:15) Padfoot: and I mean it's not bad I guess 🤔 thing.

(4:15) Moony: Alright whatever you say.

(4:16) Padfoot: Do you not agree?

(4:16) Moony: A little reckless but I'm into it

(4:17) Padfoot: gasp
(4:17) Padfoot: Moony you can't just spring that on me - give a man some warning Merlin!
(4:18) Padfoot: but you're in luck because that's my entire aesthetic

(4:18) Moony: Glad to know, I'll stick around then

(4:18) Padfoot: Absolutely it will and I'm honoured you seem to like it

(4:19) Moony: gtg Padfoot, ttly

(4:20) Padfoot: oh ok bye Moons, ttyl!

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