Is there something of Prongs or Wormtails that you can puke in?

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Tuesday Afternoon

(4:04) Padfoot: Moony guess what!!!

(4:05) Moony: What

(4:05) Padfoot: My house gets to have a party tonight

(4:06) Moony: That's exciting, what's your house again?

(4:07) Padfoot: Only the best house ever. Gryfindor, the lions

(4:07) Moony: Very nice
(4:07) Moony: When does your party start

(4:08) Padfoot: Later tonight around 7? But Prongs, Wormtail and I are hosting it, so we gotta get it all ready

(4:08) Moony: That's exciting, what part are you responsible for?

(4:09) Padfoot: The drinks ! And the celebration stuff

(4:09) Moony: Nioce
(4:09) Moony: *Nice

(4:10) Padfoot: I'll be texting you all night

(4:11) Moony: As flattering as that is make sure you enjoy the party you don't have to text me if you don't want to

(4:11) Padfoot: I want to!
(4:12) Padfoot: Plus, eveyone will be making a move on people at the party - like Prongs and Evans

(4:12) Moony: Well anyone that makes you uncomfortable tonight I'm gonna virtually slap across the face

(4:13) Padfoot: Yes Moony! You can protect me from these evil people, I like it

(4:13) Moony: You bet, make sure you keep me updated on how you feel throughout the night

(4:14) Padfoot: Thanks Moons! I appreciate that, so while I'm texting you, you'll be my knight in shining armour protecting me. Perfect!

(4:14) Moony: Yep, you better change my profile picture to a knight in shining armour

(4:15) Padfoot: Or, hear me out I could have a photo of your handsome face and change your name to my boyfriend, then if anyone throughout the night steals my phone you can literally be my knight

(4:15) Moony: Let's stick to the picture of the knight for now but the boyfriend part will definitely add to my heroicness

(4:16) Padfoot: Fineee 🥲 we can do that
(4:16) Padfoot: Also I have to run now James actually needs my help setting up, but I'll text you later?

(4:17) Moony: Ok bye


Tuesday Night

(7:23) Padfoot: Moony, the party is a success so far!

(7:24) Moony: That's great Padfoot, do I need to fight anyone yet?

(8:31) Padfoot: Nope! There was one chick that tried to come over but it's ok, I just ran off to get a drink and pretended I didn't see her, so no fighting needed yet

(8:32) Moony: Well I'll be keeping my eye on her

(9:37) Padfoot: Moony you can't even see her 😂😂😂😂 Why are you so funny I love it

(9:38) Moony: It comes naturally

(9:39) Padfoot: I'm going to go show Jamsie this it's very funny

(9:39) Moony: You spelt it wrong
(9:40) Moony: It's spelt James, never trust autocorrect, ever.

(9:41) Padfoot: What's autocorrect and why don't I trust it?

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