|| Chapter 14 A Bitter Welcome ||

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Hurting someone can

Be as easy as

Throwing a stone in

The sea.

But any idea how deep that stone

Can go?

~Anonymous- from Pinterest


A N A S T A S I A'S P.O.V.

I was staring right at the blue-eyed devil.

His lips curled into a sinister grin, clearly happy  seeing my wide eyes grow further and further.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath no no no it can't be him.

Damn, how bad was my coma, that I've become delusional?

Suddenly a low growl echoed in the room, followed by his annoying voice, "by all means close your eyes, but I'm still going to be here when you open them".

"Asshole", I mumbled under my breath.

Now a louder more menacing growl rippled through him, I quickly opened my eyes and looked up to the source of the menacing growl.

"Don't you dare disrespect your Alpha, you disgusting rogue".

I stared right into his crystal orbs, raising my eyebrows at his inclination, how dare he, I sure as hell am not his pack member.

"Hate to break it to you mate, your definitely not my Alpha, last time I checked I was as you stated just a D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G R-O-U-G-E", I emphasised the last part slowly breaking down the words to make sure it got into his thick skull.

He only growled louder in response; I could feel the bed shaking as he came closer towards me. I gulped as the light casted a shadow onto his left side, leaving a creepy murderous glare on his face. Alright maybe answering back was not going to help me in this situation but what can I do when he such an assh-

As if sensing my thoughts, he suddenly reached out his hand grabbing a fistful of my hair and slamming my head against the bed. My head slammed into the hard hospital bed; a wave of d i z z i n e s s washed over me as I blinked in shock by the sudden attack.

Once I felt his fingers loosen his grip, I looked back at him, directly in the eyes I knew what I was doing, disrespecting and challenging him.

His eyes quickly focused on mine, darkening by the minute his hands were trembling clearly seething in anger. But I was not going to back down, just as he was about to yank my hair out again, I quickly jumped off the bed and yanked off the IV drip that was attached to my arm. I spun around quickly creating some distance between us.

I wobbled slightly moving my weight between my left to right leg, to push passed the dizziness; black spots began to dance around my vision. I blinked a few times trying to fight against the darkness I was once consumed by.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to steady the waves of nausea that was currently threatening to surface. I cleared my throat before releasing my pent-up anger for the beast in front.

"First of all, don't you DARE ever touch me again! Secondly, I can't believe that I'm your fucken mate, thirdly you should pop in a breath mint while you're at it, because out of the both of us you sure as hell are disgusting, Alpha". Now it was my turn to be angry, I just literally woke up from my coma and my mate already pounced on me nearly killing me in the process.

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