|| Chapter 22 Paybacks a bitch ||

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The man in front tensed, turning around slowly, and setting his disgusting green orbs on my face.

"What the hell are you doing here", he growled. He dropped the basket in hand and fisted his palms in front of him.

Without warning I launched myself at him, shoving a right hook against his nose. I smelt the coppery blood before it could reach my fingers. I landed another blow to his stomach before pushing my knees into his prized jewels.

"Fuck", he gasped out dropping like dead weight to the ground. He clutched his hands in front of his jewel groaning as the pain ricocheted severely down there.

I immediately jumped back, dusting my palms against the matted dress I wore. I turned around noticing a crowd of wolves gathering to watch the violent interaction. A few gasped while others, eyed me with scrutiny.

"Don't you fucken dare, lay a hand on another she-wolf again, or your—" I nodded towards the area he clutched dearly.

"I'll cut them off and shove it down your throat", I spat out.

Another round of audible gasps was heard from the nearby wolves.

"What's going on here!", a loud voice boomed. The wolves immediately bowed their heads in submission to the male who pushed past them. The two men quickly reached the front, walking right up towards the man on the ground.

The disgusting Alpha braced us with his presence, I had to recoil the urge to jump his throat and serve his heart to him. I was sick of seeing his blue calculative gaze.

Roxy purred in pleasure, at the sight of her mate.

I internally grimaced at the show of affection. I glanced briefly giving the imposing man a once over. His jaws were tightly sealed and eyes utterly focused. His face void of any emotion, he stood tall like a Roman god his shoulders, broad and muscles bulging in areas muscles should not exist.

He adorned a scruffy beard which was kept well right above his chiselled jawline. The golden-brown locks were combed back sharply, leaving his hair with a slick finish. He was dressed in a form fitting white shirt and navy trousers which clung to the surface of his legs like a second skin.

Next to him a familiar man who mirrored the same expressions as the Alpha himself. He had a faint scruff though not to visible; he must have shaved it I thought. His hair visibly longer and spotting the same golden rays the Alpha himself had.

It was hard to miss the stark similarities between both men. The only difference being, his green orbs which narrowed at the sight of me, then flicked over to Hanna who quickly averted her eyes. He continued to glare, before his gaze shifted to the man on the ground.

"Son what's going on here? Why are you on the ground?". The green-eyed man growled.

"Son?", I squeaked. My eyes wide in disbelief.

The man shifted his hard gaze to me, perking one brow up in challenge.

"This fucken animal is your son", I yelled in disbelief. I raised my arms up pointing to the man who grunted in pain. Beams of sweat coating his forehead as he fought every bit of pain.

"Watch your tongue young lady!", the man growled out.

Besides him the Alpha growled demanding authority; his gaze found mine trying to force me into submission. I narrowed my eyes, meeting his authoritative glare not once flinching as he continued to taunt me. 

I wasn't about to squirm away, and neither was I going to apologise for my current actions. His eyebrows began to scrunch up in disdain, did he really think I would succumb into submission. I wasn't one of his wolves and the mate bond delivered nothing more then a few shocks within his presence nothing I couldn't deal with.

A loud cough sounded through, only then did the Alpha break the contact; we both turned to the source. The Senior Alpha stood near, a red face Beta Malin his arm slung loosely on one of his shoulders while his eyes remained focused on me. I blinked expectantly, not sure what was going to happen next.

"Which one of my son's upset you the most?", the Senior alpha questioned. His eyes sharp and jaw set tightly oh he was serious. Wait did he say sons?

Of course, why was I surprised at all. I should have known the Beta would have been connected to the Alpha who stood near me. His tantalising tongue, his deeply embedded hatred for my kind it was all adding up now. 

I stole a glance at the Alpha, who wore his usual stoic expression revealing nothing to the world around him. Yet his eyes seemed to allude to a storm, one which was brewing strongly and viciously within him.

I turned back to the Senior Alpha smiling, "I have delt with the matter already", I said coolly. I needed to move on from this I can't afford to waste more time by having the Senior Alpha intervene in matters I've already solved.

"Is that so?", the Senior Alpha remarked.

"Yes", I said a bit too harshly.

"Dare I ask what he may have done?".

I felt a bit trapped now; do I reveal the truth in front of all these wolves? Or deflect his questions and storm off. I glanced at the wolves who had gathered earlier, their eyes alight with curiosity and mouths twitching fervently in hushed whispers.

Truth it is.

I rolled my shoulders back and inhaled a deep breath, "Your son attacked me at my place of work", I rushed out.

I watch the Senior Alpha closely, as his arm tightened squeezing the Beta's shoulder. The Beta flinched at the contact, eyeing his father warily.

"So, you're the one he attacked that day?", the Senior interjected.

I nodded in response, what more of a confirmation could I give. Clearly, he was aware of his son's malicious actions.

That's when I faltered the Senior Alpha's next movements had my eyes bulging. The Senior Alpha raised his arm which was slung against the Betas side and slapped him across his head.

I was not the only one caught off guard with the Senior Alpha's choice of punishment. The whispers and gasps increased from the nearby wolves; I mean I couldn't blame them this was like a dramedy unfolding before their very eyes.

The Beta's head bounced forward at the impact, I caught a glimpse of his face as he fell forward. His face took on another shade of crimson, burning deep into his cheeks. His features set in stone, disguising any form of emotion. 

Yet, as the Beta slowly recoiled back up, it was impossible to miss the murderous look he shot my way. His eyes temporarily flashed to orange showing his wolf at front, though just as quickly vanished leaving the lingering murderous gaze.

"My office now!", the Alpha growled out.

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