7MIHell | Satoru Gojou

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You silenced the incessant ringing of your alarm clock from your phone, opting to press snooze and turn over in your bed. Just another eight more minutes, you thought - the snooze option allowed at least that much for you to thaw out before the crack of dawn. The warmth of your sheets kept you from waking, feeling yourself doze further until your sheets were tugged violently, sending a cold draft across your body. You flinched from the sudden chill, turning with an irritated look on your semi-drowsy face.

"The hell-?" you yelled, stopping short before you came face to face with a wide grin, the teenager holding onto your sheets while she giggled at the sight of your irritated reaction.

"I was about to get out of bed," you murmured, still drowsy.

"No time like the present," responded the teenager, her white eyes peering back at you with a cheeky smile. "Up, up, up."

You stared at her white smock dress, watching her trot out of your room, and leaving you to thaw the rest of your drowsiness. You turned to spot the time on your digital alarm clock, reading the red illuminated numbers as 4.17.

No one should be interrupted this early in the morning. But this morning was the last of your promised life.

After finding the energy to ready yourself for the day, you made your way to work - a small tea house not too far away from your home. It had been your staple job for some time, having been taken in by the shopkeep years ago and have ever since been the primary tea brewer.

Opening the front door, you went about your morning prepping the store, which also included boiling the tea for any morning patrons to walk by. Not many do, maybe a few locals on certain days of the week, but otherwise nothing more. It was a calm morning, like every other day, while you placed the day's special treats and cakes for the store.

The wind chimes filled your ears while you sat by the counter, sighing while you eyed your phone. 6.15. You had the tea house to yourself today, listening to the giggles of the girl in white trotting around the store.

"You reckon he'll come in today?" she chirped happily. "I want him to."

"Maybe?" you replied dryly. "We do have fresh dorayuki-"

"And daifuku of all flavors!"


"I wish I could give some sweets to him," pouted the teenager, causing you to turn with a raised brow.

"Oh? Someone has a crush, huh?"

"No! I mean, it's Valentine's!"

Giggles then yawns

"Remember you need to be silent, otherwise people will start staring again," you warned lazily through your yawns.

"I know! Not my fault they can't see me," she whined with another pout.

"Well I'll just ignore you all day then."



You stuck your tongue out as did she before a fit of laughter was shared between the both of you. It wasn't long until a few locals visited the store, enjoying some tea and cakes before setting off for the day.

The morning was long while you served a few elderly and some business people who frequented the area every once in a while. A few of them enjoyed your company and conversation, discussing some life philosophies as most patrons do in this kind of environment. You had also been ignoring the antics from your friend in a way until the familiar silhouette of a tall man walked through the noren fabric that hung by the doors.

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