7MIHeaven | Tamaki Amajiki

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With Christmas almost approaching, Heights Alliance was getting into the Christmas spirit. You've noticed many of the decorations being put up by all years, taking in the atmosphere, and also being amused by the antics the first years were getting themselves into. Still, while you walked through Heights Alliance assisting with the decorations across all years, both Mirio and Nejire asked for your assistance near the third year dorms, talking about grabbing some more decorations since the second years had raided most of them last night. You obliged when they asked to check if the hallway closet in their dorm may have a key to another storage space. Nejire explained that they hid one away in case this situation ever occurred.

"Where is it exactly?" you asked as all three of you made your way to the aforementioned closet.

"It must be hiding in a little nook last I remember," Nejire mused. "Mirio's pretty good at hiding things."

"Don't give me all the credit," Mirio laughed. "This was a joint effort."

"Wait, if you guys know where it is, then why don't you get it?" you asked, your curiosity, and your suspicions, piqued.

"We need to round up the rest of 3-A to start decorating." Nejire perked. "Everyone's been a bit of a downer since the Christmas decoration raid."

You mused on her answer and agreed. As third years, you all had to set an example and so far the younger years have already gotten a head start. As the three of you made it to the closet, chatting amongst each other, you opened the doors only to have two pairs of hands push you inside. It all happened too quickly before you crashed into a tall body. The doors shut behind you in the closet, now surrounded by the dark. There was a moment of stillness before the hands that held you began to tremble. In fact, you felt yourself hug this body that trembled all around. You turned up to find Tamaki's face all scrunched up, his eyes shut and his lips pressed together in a thin line.

"I'm sorry!" you piped, causing his body to flinch from the volume of your voice. You pushed yourself away. There wasn't much room to move before you hit your head against the other side of the closet walls. Clutching on your head, you looked up to find Tamaki now facing the opposite wall, his forehead pressed against the wooden frame.

"No, don't be," he spoke softly while his shoulders hunched over.

While you rubbed from the sting atop your head, you looked around the closet with only a few coats hanging between Tamaki and yourself. Considering it's close to Christmas, everyone would've taken their coats for the day. You gazed upon Tamaki's back, his hands shoved in his pockets while he just stood extremely still.

"So, is there a key to a secret storage room bunker in here?" you asked, slightly joking but also hoping that it was true. Tamaki turned his head slightly towards you, but no answer escaped his lips. You chuckled nervously to try and fill the awkward silence, but gathered Tamaki's lack of response was already an indication.

"Okay, I'll take that as a no." You turned to the closet doors, peeking outside through what sliver of light you could see. There was no conversation, no words, just a silence that felt like it was pressing against your head. You pushed against the door, finding it is indeed locked.

"I've tried," spoke Tamaki, taking you by surprise. "Nejire locked me in here earlier this morning."

"What? Why?" you asked incredulously. "In fact, why did they push me in?"

The volume of your voice made Tamaki's body flinch before you clasped both of your hands over your mouth, realising you were only causing more tension in such a small space.

"I'm sorry," you hushed with a lower and calmer tone.

"It's okay," Tamaki responded, but that was all he said. You leaned back against the wall, looking out of the sliver through the door frame again. If this was a joke, you'd understand, but to have Tamaki, one of the most timid and nervous students in their class, stuck in here seemed odd.

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