7MIHeaven | Tenya Iida

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After a few weeks of tolerance, you notified the Class Rep on the state of the hallway closet doors that the lock jammed every so often. Iida had noticed a fair bit of usage with the closet and decided to investigate the state of the lock further, as he felt it was his duty to keep the upkeep of school property. He invited you along so that you could demonstrate the problem, of which you were happy to. You felt some form of frustration every time you wanted to grab something from the closet and thought that Iida would be able to provide the solution to the problem.

While the two of you inspected the doors, you having left them open so that they wouldn't lock on themselves, you demonstrated how the mechanism looked like it was tampered with. You admitted that you weren't a locksmith of any sort, but knew a lock wouldn't be stuck on its own. Iida took a closer look and finalised that everyone should grab their belongings until a repair was arranged. You agreed and began to search for your items to start off with until you felt yourself being pushed into the closet alongside Iida. Then the doors shut.

In the dark, the two of you turned to the doors, banging against its wooden frame and shouting, calling out to whoever was outside. But alas, there was no response, leaving you in a cramped closet with one of the tallest boys in class. You sighed, leaning your head against the door.

"I don't need this on a Sunday morning," you mumbled under your breath.

"This is uncalled for," exclaimed Iida. "I'll give Midoriya a call and get him to let us out." The light of his phone illuminated the closet's tight space as well as his glasses as he scrolled through it to locate Midoriya's number. Upon ringing, he was met with busy tone. Twice. Before the other end picked up.

"Midoriya, we're in need of your assistance," spoke Iida immediately. A few nods from the class rep as he listened to the other line suddenly turned into sight dismay. "You're out visiting family. No, no, that is fine. We'll make do. Thank you Midoriya."

Iida hung up the phone and scrolled through it again, calling another number. "Ah, Uraraka, I'm in need of, oh, you're busy at the moment? Very well, carry on. Thanks."

With every number Iida dialled, it seemed that everybody already had plans or they were nowhere near the school's campus. It came as a surprise to you that he even called Bakugo whom you could hear clearly from his phone's speaker before he hung up. You thought for a moment about the situation, wondering if one of them was clearly the culprit lying. Who else would have pushed the both of you in here and not be on school campus?

Iida gloved his phone back in his pockets, slightly frustrated with the situation at hand. "I will not be tempted to break the door down for the sake of public damages, but also to not insult our fellow predecessors before us."

"Really?" you questioned. "We could just replace the door."

"That is absurd!" Iida protested with passion. "We will not destroy what our ancestors would have used many generations ago to keep their belongings safely."

"But earlier you were fine with a repair so what's the difference?"

"A repair is a completely different notion than a replacement," he reasoned, fixing his glasses across the bridge of his nose. "And furthermore, we'll have to wait it out until someone comes by."

You turned to the tall boy, whose head almost touched the roof of the closet, past the racks that held the coats. You wondered how comfortable he was in this space, given that your body was practically flush against the opposite wall. It was already going to be tricky to make any leg room should the need arise that either of you needed to sit. You leaned against the closet doors, peering out through the cracks in-between with lack of vision or any depth perception to determine any movement outside.

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