I know his name.

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"Where's Jake ?" I heard. I looked up and Alison and Dylan had just entered. "He's asleep. Considering that I didn't let him sleep , I thought it was best if he got a nap before you guys returned." Dylan came and handed me his phone. "What ?" I asked puzzled. "Becca, I obviously couldn't get the files , so I just clicked pictures instead. I hugged Dylan. "Thank you so much you both. I owe you guys big time." "Don't mention it they both said in unison."
We heard the opening of a door and turned to see Jake. "You three really make a hell lot of noise." "We were just planning to wake you up." He came and put his arm around my shoulder. Alison's face fell. She had been getting all weird when Jake didn't kiss her. Sensing her mood, I nudged Jake and he looked at me questioningly. Alison I mouthed. He turned and gave her his best smile and a flying kiss which had her totally flattered. She blushed and smiled. "Did you get anything , Dylan ?" "Sure I did." All of us headed over to the couch and as we were sitting, Ali said ,"Becca , Ryan totally isn't for you." I looked at her puzzled. as if she read my mind she answered. "He totally tried to make a pass at me today." Jake's jaw clenched and his hands tightened into fists. "I'm going to kill that asshole." He said.
I was shocked. Was she talking about the same Ryan who'd told me that he loved me grime the bottom of his heart. "i thought it would make you feel less guilty about the mystery man." Alison chirped in. I smiled my best and we all started looking at the pictures. The first picture was of a guy named John Prick. His face was nothing like the guy who I'd bumped into. Neither the second nor the third. As I swiped and reached the next picture , my heart skipped a beat. It was him. It was my mystery man.
Brandon Roberts. That was his name. Jake looked at my face. "Looks like someone found what they were looking for." He nudged me and I couldn't help blushing. I slapped his arm. "What's his name ?" three of them sung in unison.
I just smiled and extended my hand with Dylan's phone , so that they could see his picture and his name.
"Roberts..." Jake said. " What's it, Jake?" I asked.
"Just that it sounds familiar."
"It sure does. I told Ali the same thing." Dylan chimed in.
"Did you guys see him at school today ??" I cut in.
"Nope , Beccs he hasn't been here since quite a few days." Dylan told us. I sighed. "Would I ever get to meet him ? will he even like me ? I bet he thinks I'm a snob because I didn't bend down to pick up the books." I let it all out in a breath.
"Calm down Becca , we just need you guys to get to know each other. Though I'm not really interested to share you." Jake rubbed my shoulders. I hugged Jake.
"But you can't let Ryan get to know." Ali warned.
I nodded. Ryan couldn't get to know. Thinking about Brandon made my stomach churn and I did a mental clap. One step closer.

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