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Forth's P.O.V.

After Beam was discharged from the hospital I didn't see him anymore. He was gone for a month to his parents house until he was fully healed. Kit kept true to his word updating me on everything related to Beam. I was grateful for it. Just knowing that he is ok had me relived. He manage to remember everything quickly except for me that is I was completely erased from his memory. While at home he started catching up on his studies so when he returned he was up to date with most of everything. A couple of months after when everything was back to normal Kit stopped slowly updating me about Beam's life. He had moved on like the six months we spent together never occurred. But I get it everything was fine now and I should move on too. I sighed leaving my faculty. The last update about Beam was a week ago when Kit told me he had passed their last test for the week and that Beam was completely fine. Today particularly I was feeling extra gloomy. It would have been our one year anniversary if the accident never happened. I didn't feel like going home so I got on my bike and started driving. After a while I ended at the coffee shop Beam and I always visited. This place holds so many memories. I stopped there contemplating if I should enter or not. After standing outside for a while I went in. Everything still looked the same but the workers were all different except for an older lady who always used to make my coffee.

"Forth! It's been a long time!" She said surprised and I smiled sadly.

"Yeah life has been difficult lately." I said looking down.

"I heard what happened to Beam so sad. He has come a few times not as much as usual but he didn't seem to remember me so I haven't said anything to him." She said and I looked at her surprised.

"He comes here?" I asked not believing it.

"Yeah at least twice a month. Not as much as usual but I've seen him around." She said and I nodded. I have been dying to see him but if I went to medical it would just cause unnecessary trouble. "What do you want? The usual?" She asked and I nodded handing her my credit card.

"This ones on me, sit down I'll take it to you." She said and I nodded sitting in a corner. Soon she brought my coffee.

I couldn't help but glance at the door every time someone entered hoping it was Beam. I stayed for a while choosing to do my assignment here sipping slowly on my coffee. It felt nice like a reminder of him and all the good memories we shared here. I looked at our usual table remembering Beam happily eating whatever dessert he was in the mood for. His favorite was chocolate cake but he tried just about everything on the menu. He had a sweet tooth. I mostly just drank coffee when we came. I had stopped paying attention to the door so I was surprised when I saw Beam sitting down at our usual table. I shook my head thinking that I was hallucinating but he was still there. I almost wanted to cry. He was smiling happily with his usual chocolate cake. I wiped my tears looking at him. As long as he was ok I'm good I told myself. He looked around and we made eye contact. I turned my focus back on my assignment. As I was scrolling through the papers I found my application for a university in London.

After my parents found out what happened they supported me in my decision. They were willing to help me if I wanted to fight for Beam too but I didn't want to bring him distress. They respected my decision to stay out of his life but they obviously notice my suffering. That's when they handed me the application. They wanted me to leave so I could forget about everything. But I couldn't bring myself to do it I at least wanted to be close in case he needed me. I glanced at him one last time before picking up everything and leaving. I already know he's ok I should leave before I start wanting to approach him.

I went home feeling miserable. He was so close yet so far away. After seeing him one time it was driving me crazy. I wanted to see him again. I've been on a bad mood all week. I could tell Park and Lam were getting tired of me snapping at the without reason but I couldn't help it. The week went like that and suddenly it was Friday again and I found myself walking into the coffee shop again. This was the only place that brought me peace at the moment. I had changed dorm rooms after the incident so this was the only place that still reminded me of him. I once again sat in the table in the corner sipping on my coffee. This time in full alert looking at everyone who entered the shop. After an hour I saw him enter the coffee shop. Our eyes met and he smiled at me I couldn't help but gasp quickly looking away. My heart beating a thousand miles per hour.

When I calmed down a little I looked at him again in line. For a second there I thought he remembered me. But he would've approached me if he did. I guess he was just being polite. Beam Baramee you don't know what you're doing to me. I watch him order listening attentively to what he was saying.

"I want a piece of chocolate cake, an iced coffee and a americano." He said and I was surprised. Why did he order an americano too? That was what I always ordered and he hated it. He always said it was too bitter. "No wait sorry take out the americano I don't know where that came from I guess I got distracted." He said confused. So he remembered our order? But nothing else? I felt myself wanting to cry this was making me too emotional. I shouldn't have come. I picked up my things leaving the place maybe I should stop coming here this could bring trouble I thought once I was out. I felt a pain on my chest. Why did it have to turn out this way. We were so happy. Life is so unfair.


Well I think this is it for Forths part! From now on the story will move forward from Beam's P.O.V.

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