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Forth's P.O.V.

I was outside of the hospital just walking around. So many thoughts were running through my head that I felt like it was about to explode. I just wanted Beam to be ok nothing else mattered to me at the moment. It's been a while and I felt myself calm down a bit. I was still anxious since I didn't know anything but it was better than before. As I walked back inside I saw that Beam's parents had arrived. I was so angry at them if they just let us be happy none of this would have happened. Beam's mom was crying and I just wanted to shout that it was their fault. But somehow it was also mine so I couldn't completely blame them. I was supposed to protect and care for him but instead he's fighting for his life and there's nothing I can do. As I approached them Forth's father noticed my presence.

"You! It was your fault! If you had just left my son alone none of this would be happening." He said coming over and grabbing my collar. He was screaming his face all red and I could just barely contain my anger. Phana interfered thankfully.

"Uncle this is not anybody's fault. Let's just all calm down." Said Phana trying to separate us but he was not budging.

"No! If he just broke up with him everything would've been fine! He would have been at home not driving. He left because he went back to see him." He screamed again and o couldn't contain my anger and pushed him away from me. Phana got in front of me before I could do something I might regret later.

"Calm down Forth we are in a hospital. Beam wouldn't want this." He said and I tried my hardest to contain my anger.

"If we are blaming somebody then why don't you blame yourself too. We were happy with each other but you had to come between us. Why don't you tell everyone here that you wanted to send Beam away because he loves me." I screamed and Kit, Ming and Wayo seemed shocked but not Phana. "You knew?" I said turning my attention to him and he nodded.

"I was there when he came to threaten you. I told Beam who went to confront them today." He said and I sighed slumping down on the closest seat. Beam's father was in rage but his wife and Ming were trying to calm him.

"I should leave before we really start fighting but I can't you know? I need to know how Beam is, I have to be there for him. I can't leave just because his father doesn't want me here. Just don't let me get in a fight with him please." I said to Phana who nodded.

"Don't worry we are all on your side here." He said and I nodded gratefully. We were waiting for a long time before a doctor came.

"Beam Baramee family?" Asked the doctor and we all stood up. His father went to the doctor and we all stayed close.

"How's my son?" He asked and I was so freaking scared in that moment.

"The surgery went well he has some minor bruises and swelling but he's alive. Unfortunately the patient is on a coma. We expect him to wake up in a few days but we can't say for sure." He said and we all gasped and Beam's mom almost passed out. "You can go see him now." The doctor said leading the way. Once we were in front of the room Beam's parents went in first the rest of us stayed outside.

"He's in a coma, I can't believe it. He's going to wake up right? Please tell me he's going to wake up." I said looking at Phana and Kit looking for answers.

"We can't say for sure. But we know Beam is a fighter. We will all be there for him that's all we can do now." Said Kit and I just felt helpless. After a while Beam's parents came out.

"You can go see him now. We are going to get something to eat." They said leaving us alone.

"You can go first Forth we will come in soon." Said Phana and I was grateful that I could have some space right now. I opened the door carefully and the sight broke my heart. The top of Beam's head was bandaged and he had some bruises and cuts visible. I walked up to his side finally letting my tears run freely. Why couldn't it be me instead of him? I sat down beside him and grab his hand pulling it closer to my face.

"I'm sorry Beam you don't deserve this happening to you. Please, please wake up. I can endure everything but I can't lose you like this." I sobbed. After a while I managed to calm down. Beam needs me to be strong right now. I wiped my tears looking at him. If he just wakes up I'll be the happiest person alive nothing else matters.

After a while the rest of the guys came in. Kit was full on sobbing since he stepped through the door and Phana had tears running down his eyes. They all came around staying close. Phana put a hand on my shoulder.

"He will wake up Beam's a fighter." Said Phana and Kit nodded. I just smiled sadly. Beam's parents came back and made us all leave but I couldn't so I sat at the waiting chairs in front of the door to his room. I wasn't about to leave Beam not when he needs me the most.

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