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Beams P.O.V.

For the rest of the week I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone. They were trying to be subtle about it but I had already noticed so it wasn't working. I was pissed, since when they became like this. I should be able to live my life however I want. I don't like this. Since the accident everyone around me has been acting suspicious. I needed to get some answers soon.

I had looked when going to Kit's apartment and I noticed my place was unoccupied no one ever comes in or out and there's no sound coming from there. When I asked the landlord though I was surprised to hear the place had been rented out. When I asked who was living there he said he couldn't give out any information which I understood. As I was lying on my place I remember I used to keep a hidden key. One that no one but me knew about. When I moved out most of the things had been bought brand new instead of using the old ones. The reason being that my mom wanted me to have a fresh start and not dwell in the past. I found it weird but as I've been doing a lot lately I let it pass without much questioning. At that time I just wanted to be out of my parents house which for some reason felt suffocating.

I looked in my drawer to the box where my watches were neatly organized. I took them out and on the inside of the box laid a copy of the key to my old apartment. It was a long shot but it was worth a try. I had heard Wayo when he came to visit Phana so he was distracted I guess. I snuck out as quiet as I could and managed to make it out of the building. Now the problem was Kit who was my old neighbor. If he still follows his old schedule then he should be at the gym. But I will try to be careful anyway.

I walked in the building as usual trying not to seem suspicious. I came often to study with Kit so it wasn't weird for me to be around. I walked upstairs and made sure Kit wasn't on the hall. I stood in front of the door to my old room for a second. I was a little scared of what I may find out but I needed answers. With a trembling hand I put the key on the lock. As I turned it around to my surprise the door unlocked. I thought I heard some footsteps so I quickly went in and closed the door. I couldn't help but gasp at what I saw. Everything still looked the same, all my stuff was here. It was like I never left. I walked around taking everything in feeling a little overwhelmed. I sat down on the bed trying to process everything. Only a few things were missing that I had in my new apartment. A feeling of nostalgia came over me. As I looked around the bed I noticed a post it note stuck to the side of the messed up blanket. I picket it up and read it.

-I have to leave. I'll see you later. I love you! Beam-

The note was clearly written by me. But who did I left it to? I kept looking at it trying to remember but nothing came to mind.

As I looked around I started to notice things. Someone was most likely living here with me! I noticed there where two coffee mugs on the kitchen counter. One was white with a gear emblem the other was black with red doctors emblem. I also noticed a pair of shoes that weren't mine since I don't use boots normally and some clothes mostly black. The more I looked around the more I noticed signs of two people living here. So my suspicions were correct. I was with someone a man at that and I loved him. I was starting to get a headache trying to remember but I couldn't. Not wanting to leave I started cleaning. It seems like no ones been here since the accident. I wonder what happened to the other person and why they didn't take their stuff. After I was done I felt tired and I wasn't able to recall anything. I decided to spend the night here it just seemed like the right thing to do so I settled down. I had turned off my phone when I arrived so no one would disturb me. I contemplated turning it on but I didn't feel like it and instead I went to sleep. Next thing I know I was standing next to my bed watching myself and another man on my bed.

I woke up and stretched out only for my hand to bump into someone. I looked to my side to see someone sleeping beside me with his back towards me. I poked him with my finger and he moved but didn't turn towards me. Somehow I wasn't scared of the person besides me.

"Love let me sleep for five more minutes I am tired." Said a deep raspy voice.

"You have to wake up soon we have class." I said getting out of bed. Suddenly it all turned black for a second. Then I saw myself leaning over the shoulder of a man with a black hoodie on my kitchen.

"What are you making for breakfast I'm hungry." I said.

"Your favorite! Chocolate chip Pancakes!" Said the man. Just when he was turning around everything went black again.

Suddenly I was holding a black engineering bracelet with a gear emblem on it. I looked at it curiously for a second.

"What is this?" I asked tracing my hand over it mesmerized.

"I am giving you my heart Beam." He said and I gasped.

"What? Does that mean you love me?" I said and suddenly a pair of hands came into view. They grabbed the bracelet gently putting it on my wrist.

"There I gave you my heart! What else could it mean?" He said and I pouted.

"You could say it every once in a while." I responded watching the bracelet now on my hand.

"Fine, I love you Beam Baramee with all of my heart." He said and I blushed but smiled happily. Then everything turned black again.

Suddenly I was sitting on my car talking on the phone.

"Oh hey love, I'm sorry for leaving without waking you but I'll be back by night. I left you some breakfast on the table just reheat it." I said cheerfully.

"It's ok did you arrive already?" He asked.

"I just arrived, I'm still in my car though so great timing if it was just a bit later I wouldn't be able to answer." I replied.

"Beam I need to tell you something." He said and the voice sounded distressed.

"What's wrong?" I asked sounding confused.

"I'm sorry Beam but I think we should break up."

"What?" I said almost a whisper. "Don't you dare do this." I stuttered.

"please don't make this harder than it is Beam." said the voice and I could hear my heart breaking.

"No, I don't accept this. This is not over and much less over the phone. I love you and I know you love me that's it. Whatever stupid shit is running through your mind forget it. We will talk tonight when I get back." I yelled through the phone.

"Beam don't come looking for me." He said.

"Shit can you just stop talking you're really hurting me with your nonsense. You just made me cry asshole you are going to pay for this. I'll see you at home don't you dare say anything else because I'll kill you." I said before hanging up and by this point I was crying. Everything turned black once again.

This time everything stayed black and suddenly a voice started talking.

"I'm sorry, I love you Beam never forget that ok?" The voice said softly barely above a whisper. It made my heart ache. I had failed that person. I had forgotten him. I had no idea where he was or what happened to him. I was left crying in the dark saying sorry over and over again.

I woke up gasping for air. I sat down on the bed looking around everything was the same as yesterday. I felt something wet hitting my hands. Thats when I noticed the tears streaming down my face I was crying for real. I sighed my heart feeling heavy. Even after managing to remember some stuff I still haven't found anything that could help me. I didn't even see his face so what am I supposed to do now?


This chapter got deleted when I was trying to copy and paste it and when I tell you that my heart stopped for a second I'm not even kidding. For the last half an hour Ive been trying to recover it and thankfully I was able to. I almost cried because I know I wasn't going to remember most of it if I had to rewrite it. I am so freaking relieved right now you can't even begin to imagine. Anyways enjoy!

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