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Beam's P.O.V.

Everything has been chaotic after the accident. I can't believe I lost my memory. Everything happened so fast. There's still something bothering me tho I feel like something is missing. I keep asking about it but everyone reassures me that I already remembered everything. I was skeptical though, they told me I was fighting with my parents because I wanted to move into a bigger apartment. But I didn't believe it, it was a stupid reason and I've never really cared my old dorm room was fine. But apparently I was set on it and drove off mad after the fight. But I can't recall any of that. I do remember driving to my parents house and being mad about something but that's it. Every time I think about it it's like I'm missing an important piece of information but what could it be? Being in my house with my parents felt suffocating so I made sure to return as soon as possible to the university. I ended changing dorm rooms after all. I now lived in the same building as Phana instead of next to Kit. Which didn't make sense anyway because Phana's building was right next to my old one. The apartments were almost the same with the exception that it was a little bigger. But overall things were slowly getting back to normal. My only problem being that both Phana and Kit have become over protective of me.

They still have boyfriends so thankfully I got breaks from them on date nights. Specially on Fridays but they still tend to show up randomly which annoys me. I need some space and them being like that only confirmed that they were hiding something from me. But after months of trying I haven't been able to figure it out so maybe I am just crazy so I let it be. Since I didn't want them to keep bothering me I started to leave my apartment on Friday afternoons. I mostly wondered around until I found a cute coffee shop that was a fifteen minute walk from my dorm room. I walked in and was embraced by a sense of comfort and nostalgia. This place felt so familiar to me. Suddenly I remembered being here but the memory didn't seem complete. I just remember ordering a chocolate cake, an iced coffee and an americano. I couldn't possibly drink two coffees but I couldn't remember who it was for.

I started going there randomly but then I changed it tp every Friday. The desserts were awesome and I felt like I could get some answers. Like this place will help me remember because I still couldn't shake the feeling that there was something missing. Sadly apart from the order that one time I haven't been able to recall anything. I still enjoy spending time here where Phana and Kit won't bother me for a few hours. I always come and do my assignments with a cup of iced coffee and my dessert of the day. I had the habit of looking around just hoping that there was something new that could trigger my memory but its been a while and I haven't discovered much.

The guys were under the impression that I was going to the bar every Friday night. Which is something I used to do but I didn't feel like it anymore. It was weird but I didn't feel like the kind of person to get wasted and have sex with random people anymore. I guess I already got over that phase. Today I was coming in later than usual because Phana and Kit were pestering me at my apartment for a while. After I was sure they left I took my bag and started walking to the coffee shop. After I made my order I sat down at my usual table. I traced my fingers over the writing on the corner. There carved was a heart and inside it said I love you Beam. I wonder who did that but after trying for a long time I could only remember a hand with a white bracelet that had a B engraved in a heart. I sighed why are they hiding stuff from me? Who is this person that loves me? I couldn't help but think of the worst. Was that person with me when I had the accident? Maybe that person died and they don't want me to remember. But no matter what happened I deserved to know the truth. this just made me suspicious of everyone. I felt like I couldn't even trust my friends. If I had a lover they should know about it so why are they hiding it from me.

But I haven't been able to find an answer. There doesn't seem to be a trace of me having a romantic partner. It was like everything had been erased. The only lead I had was my gut feeling but I was tired of searching without an answer it was driving me crazy. I sighed looking around as always but the only thing out of the ordinary was a man hurrying out of the shop with a blue engineering jacket. I couldn't see his face but I looked at him curiously for a second watching him disappear. Guess I'm not the only one with a problem around here. I wonder if he was the same guy that was here last week. Phanas friend from the moon competition. He was kind of weird acting like that when I woke up from the accident. Whats even weirder is that after that I didn't see him again. Phana said they had a fight and that was the last I heard of him. Maybe he knew something I didn't. Will he be able to help me? When our eyes met he looked so sad it pained my heart to see him like that. At the same time it made me curious. Should I try to get closer to him? It's the second Friday I've seen him here if that was really him. Maybe he could help me figure this out. But how should I approach him? I don't even remember his name now since it's been too much time since we interacted.


Well enjoy another chapter of me ignoring my responsibilities because I suddenly have a lot of inspiration to write this story.

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