37. sloppy

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Joker stops climbing the stairs once he's on the floor under the Mayor's office floor. Suddenly, tons of gunshots can be heard outside. "You and you," he points out two goons, "you're with me. The rest of you stay on this floor and when they come up the stairs, shoot." The Joker takes the two goons and continues climbing the stairs.

Once they enter the floor, Joker sets up tripwire connected to a grenade so once the wire is tripped, the grenade pin is pulled. By the time he's done, the shooting is finishing up inside City Hall.

The Joker then leads the two goons to the Mayor's office and he watches them try to bust down the door. "You're doing great guys," he says as he bites his nail cuticle while waiting.

The Mayor inside, still on a call with Gordon, "Gordon, they are trying to bust down the door."

"Sir, open your office window. We are going to drop down a ladder and we want you to grab on and don't let go, do you understand?" Gordon responds.

"Yes, I understand." He shutters slightly.

He begins to get impatient and pushes them out of the way. "Got to do everything myself." He mumbles as he raises his shotgun and blows a hole through the door.

The Mayer opens the window and starts coming out, waiting for the ladder. The helicopter flies over him and lowers a ladder for him to grab onto.

The Joker reaches his hand through the hole and unlocks the door, then swings it open. "Mr. Mayor! Don't grab that ladder or you'll be in big trouble, boyo." He pushes furniture out his way.

The Mayor grabs on tightly to the ladder and yells at the helicopter to go. The Joker ends up climbing over a desk he couldn't get out of the way and runs to the window.

In the distance, shooting can be heard in the nearby stairwells.

The Joker reaches out to grab the Mayor but he's slightly too far away to reach. He grunts in frustration and pulls out a handgun to shoot at the Mayor. He manages to shoot the Mayor in the upper thigh and his calf. The helicopter gets further and further away and the ladder, along with the Mayor, is lifted.

Joker stands in front of the window, practically furious. Down the hallway, an explosion and thuds are heard. "Keep going, the Mayor is safe!" Gordon's voice echoes in the stairwell and hallway.

Soon, SWAT storms into the Mayor's office and point their guns at Joker and the two goons. The goons put their hands up and get on the ground, which then they are quickly detained. "Turn around, you son of a bitch. Hands above your head." Gordon raises his gun at the Joker.

The Joker puts his hands on his head and turns around, smiling, "You got me."

Gordon approaches him then grabs him by the back of his neck and slams him against the Mayor's desk. "Miss me much, Commissioner?" The Joker laughs.

Gordon pulls both of Joker's arms behind his back and handcuffs him. "You're going away for a very, long time, and for that, I'm happy." He states.

He pulls the Joker off the desk and pushes him towards the office's exit. Gordon walks the Joker to the elevator, passing the SWAT members killed by the Joker's trap. "That looked like it hurt," the Joker makes a cringe facial expression. Gordon presses the elevator button then shoves him inside.

A few SWAT members try to get onto the elevator, but Gordon stops them. "Take the stairs."

They hesitate at following orders but they do what Gordon says. When the elevator doors shut, Gordon punches the Joker in the face. The Joker's head slings to the side but he quickly looks back at Gordon. "You mad, Commissioner?"

Gordon punches him again to which the Joker laughs. "Which part are you mad at? The bank robbery? The kidnapping? Me blowing up your little, uh, precinct?"

Another punch makes an impact with Joker but this time in the gut. "Was it the two ships at maximum capacity forced to decide who dies? Or was it your white Knight burnt to a crisp, well only half of him..."

Gordon grabs the Joker's hair and pushes him against the elevator wall. "Batman hits better, you know, but he's not here. Why not? Oh wait, you blamed everything on Gotham's hero instead of Harvey Dent. Is that how desperately you want to beat me, Commissioner? Is that how desperately your corrupt system wants to hide the real truth? I'm right, just have to wait for you to open your eyes and see." The Joker states.

"You'll never be right, you crazy bitch." Gordon replies, denying what Joker is saying.

"By hiding Gotham from the truth of Harvey Dent, you prove I'm right," the Joker licks the corner of his mouth slightly, "you lost Gotham's hope. And if I were him, I wouldn't come back."

The elevator dings and the doors open. Standing there waiting is SWAT. "Let's go," Gordon tells the Joker as he shoves him towards SWAT.


Meanwhile, [Y/N] cooks her and Stacey some late lunch or more accurately a big snack. Stacey flips through the channels and passes the news channel then clicks back to it. On the screen is Joker in handcuffs being walked to a heavily armored SWAT van. "Oh fuck," Stacey thinks out loud.

"What's up?" [Y/N] asks.

"Your boyfriend is on TV."

"When is he not- hey, he's not my boyfriend!"

"Correction, your ex. And he's in police custody at City Hall."

[Y/N] stops cooking immediately and goes to Stacey. She stares at the TV as the news anchor talks about the situation.

"The Joker and many accomplices were apprehended this afternoon as they attempted to murder Gotham's Mayor Garcia. Thankfully, the Mayor was able to escape by helicopter through his office window but he was shot twice, nowhere fatal, by the Joker. As you can see now, the Joker is being transported into an armored vehicle by a SWAT team. Hopefully, they can keep the Joker locked up this time for good after the police have failed twice to keep him behind bars."

"Holy fuck," [Y/N] watches and sits on the couch, "Stacey, go cook."

Stacey listens to [Y/N] and continues cooking.

[Y/N] mumbles under her breath, "why did you have to go and get sloppy..."

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