2 ~ Face to Face

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[Y/N] slowly wakes up, she tries to rub her eyes but can't seem to move her arms. She looks down at her arms. They are strapped down to an arm of a big wooden chair with belt type restraints. Her legs are exactly the type but to the legs of the chair. She violently shakes her body, hoping something will pop open so she can get free. She grunts and shakes around.

Two big hands grip her shoulders from behind, tightly. She shivers from breathing against her neck. The person licks their lips, then slightly laughs. "You just got here and I'm already making you go mad." His voice goes to a higher, excited tone when he says mad.

[Y/N]'s heart rate increases very quickly. Joker lets go of her shoulders then pats them. He walks around to the front of the chair, facing [Y/N]. He drags a metal fold out chair with him, then unfolds it and places it directly in front of her. He runs his gloved hand through his greasy, green hair. He sits backwards in the chair. "Let me properly, hmm, introduce myself. You can call me Joker," he holds out his hand to shake then bursts out laughing," oh right you can't move!"

[Y/N] closes her eyes tightly. Joker leans forward in the chair, to the point it's only standing on two legs. He grabs her head and pulls her forward. "Look at me." He demands.

She doesn't open her eyes to his order. "Look at me!" His voice changes from the crazy, excited, high pitched voice to a raspy, scary, deep voice.

She opens her eyes and stares at him, fear in her eyes. "You look nervous. Is it the scars?" Joker asks, then licks his lips again.

Joker places his hand on the back of her neck and pulls her closer. Out of nowhere, he shoves a knife into her mouth and pushes it against the inside the side of her mouth. "I'd tell you how I got these here, um, scars," he lets go of her and stands," but that's a story for another time."

He drags the chair over to the side, it screeching against the floor as it is pulled along. [Y/N] stares at him as he walks to the exit door. "Don't have too much fun while I'm gone!" He laughs psychotically.

He slings open the door and walks out. It slams shut behind him, you can hear a bolt lock afterwards.
[Y/N] breathes heavily, her anxiety making her physically ache. "He is insane.." she mumbles under her breath.

She looks around the room, it's pretty much completely empty except Joker's chair and hers. Also a sink, cabinet, and a side room, she guessed it is the bathroom. She sees a small window up high on a wall, just big enough to see the sun or moon. No possible way a human could fit through there. She takes a deep breath and tears start flowing out of her eyes. Her effort to be strong and not break isn't helping. She starts hyper ventilating, from the crying.

She tries to take deep breaths, slowly stopping the hyper ventilation. She zones out completely, looking like she is dying on the inside. She bites the inside of her mouth. [Y/N]'s mom and her both have a habit where they tend to bite and naw on the side of their mouths, or the finger's cuticle.

Joker orders thugs to guard the entrance to the room [Y/N] is contained in. They will work 24/7, three different guards. They will rotate every 8 hours. [Y/N] thinks hard, and sets the goal of not giving up hope. She believes that she can get away from the hell hole she's at, wherever she's at..

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