Day After Day

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Trim the hedge, Mow the Lawn;
In bed at dusk, up at dawn.
The mowers engine likes to roar,
Same routine as the day before.
Eggs for breakfast, Turkey for lunch;
The chipotle sauce packs a punch.
Dirty dishes fill up more,
Same routine as the day before.
The same picture always falls,
One of her face, kept upon the wall.
Late at night it hits the floor,
Same routine as the day before.
His daughter left years ago,
The wretched pain of being alone.
He checks his voicemail after four,
Same routine as the day before.
His closet contains a wedding dress,
He kept it close once his wife left.
He checks that it's there and closes the door,
Same routine as the day before.
Everyday he visits her grave,
He grabs a guitar and begins to play.
"Everyday I miss you more."
Same routine as the day before.

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