Chapter 7: The talk

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( Ok!, so I know everyone wants the lovey lovey stuff ,but just wait! I planned this out so you could enjoy their journey so enjoy the ride por favor and thank you :3 and this is a Vegeta chapter too.. )


I opened my eyes and saw Kakarott in front of me crouched over... didn't I lock the door? maybe it came undone when I slide down.. but why do I feel like somethings off about this scene, him there and me layed down.. what's going on?

"Kakarot?" I said his name softer than I though and sat up slowly, looking into his eyes.

"I-I uh.." he looked away from me and then looked back. "I need to talk to you Vegeta..." he said heavily.

I don't know that i should be angry or curious that he wants to talk to me and that he went in here without my permission. "What is it?" I pushed my other thoughts away.

"It's just that I...I.." he closed his eyes tightly and shouted "Rule me my sayain prince!" he bowed down on his knees, and had his face on the floor and his hands close to his ears.

"Wh-what?" I was caught by surprise. "Kakarot what gotten into to you?" I regained my composure and looked at him still face into floor in front of me. "Could you please sit up and tell me what's wrong?" I started to reach for his hand,but hesitated and ended up withdrawing back.

He got up, his face a light crimson "I-I need a hero...." he said softly but loud enough to hear. "It's just that.. I'm tired of being a hero always having to be brave and willing to die. The truth is... I'm so scared and I have to put on a mask to hide my fear.." his head was in his hands, he was crying.

"Kakarot..." I barely whispered his name in disbelief at what he said. You? scared? this can't be for real....

He continued "You, your always so brave and too stubborn to see death , you don't care you just want to prove your strength and worth, I-I want you to protect me... finally be my hero and keep me safe, happy and know I'll be ok" he looked up at me, his eyes wet and cheeks stained. "I'm sorry if you don't feel the same, I just needed to say this.." he wiped his eyes with his right hand.

It broke my heart to hear this, scared, hero,protection and love? Am I ready to help where my hearts been broken? I looked at him once more, then got up and showed my right hand to him. "Get up, don't sit their dirtying yourself on the ground baka now take my hand"

He looked at me still tearful,but he took my and I sat him down with my on the bed.

"Did you really mean what you said?" I looked at him.

"Y-yes.. I'm just so.. scared right now... and so lonely" he put in and looked away from me.

Don't you look away from me.. I couldn't help my scream in my head. I sighed ,but knew what I had to do...

I used my left and guided his gaze back at me by pushing slowly back at me. He looked surprised at his state but didn't fight. I proceeded by used my right hand to hold his right cheek, touch it, give it warmth...

"V-vegeta?" he called out to me softly.

"I want to be your hero..." I looked into his eyes, and drew his face closer and closer to mine until, our lips met and for the first time ever... I felt free...


( How was that readers? ;3 worth the wait huh? )

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