Chapter 10: A Lavender by any other name...

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( Yet again I am sorry fans! I have been busy with life so these chapters will take longer to come out! please know I try to make it original and good in it's own way.. thank you. )


" Rose... rose... rose....." Vegeta muttered to himself while flying though the air. He looked from left to right and nothing could be spotted but grass fields and tall tree's scattered along the land.

" Blast it all! I can't even find a simple wild rose bush! " in anger he decided to slowly land onto the ground.

He starts to walk around an notices large bushes up ahead, his heart skipped a beat in joy and ran to the bushes.

" ROSES! ROSES! ROS-" he stopped in his tracks. What he found were indeed rose's but they were in little red bulbs. Not one was opened.

" ARE YOU SERIOUS!? I FLEW ALL THIS WAY TO SEE THAT THEY WEREN'T IN SEASON!? " The saiyan raged and clenched his fists, then his teeth.

He took a deep breath and calmed down.

" Fine I'll just look for something better than roses..... " he turned away from the wild rose bushes and to the left for about five to six minutes he found strange reed like plants that had purple flowers growing out in a bush like pattern. He got closer to these plants and look at them in a squat, arms on his knees.

" I think... these are Lavenders.. earthlings may be weak ,but at least they have good looking plants... " he carefully picked two 2 of the best looking ones he could find and began to fly off once again to his new lover.


( HAHA!! you were expecting a love scene weren't you!? But no I just wanted to add some comedy to what Vegeta does to please Goku or Kakarott  as he says. Hope ya'll enjoyed, byee!  :3

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