Chapter Two

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Walking into class with Hannah was like walking into a circus. a very loud, dirty and cool circus, but well , that was how people usually described my class. Immediately I recognized the newcomers. It was pretty obvious actually, they had this awkward look on their faces and some people were crowded around them. An obvious give away was that I didn't recognize their faces...duh!?
Anyway so on closer inspection I saw that there were two girls and one boy. I made way towards the first girl, obviously I was more interested in the boy but girls are important too! So the conversation went like this:
" Hi!"
"What is your name?"
"Oh cool!"
"What's urs?"
"Natalie" I smiled at her. she had a fair face with dark eyes and huge hair which was quite impossible to miss. Oh, and her hair was red. she had light freckles around her nose and looked really cute in my opinion.
" I'll go meet the others, see you later Jasmine!" And with that I left. I went towards the second girl but couldn't talk to her cause there were far too many people around, my best guess, she was either really hot or really pretty or both. she did look pretty from a distance but I was already distracted, I had seen the boy. first impression? downright hot!
I went over to him cause there were fewer people, heaven knows why.
"Hey" I shyly said to him. He looked up.
"Hey" he replied, God his eyes!
"Do you like football ?" I asked him.
"I do. Do you?"
"Don't watch it too much but yeah I do too."
"Great! Who is your favourite player?" He asked me. His voice was like music. It was like music I had never heard before, his smile sort of made me forget how to breathe, I did have this tendency to fall for people too fast but I really couldn't help it.
"I like Ronaldo but that is mostly because he is really hot..." We laughed at that. I cannot explain his laugh through words. I cannot explain what it does to me. I really can't.
"Could you tell me where I'm supposed to sit? I'm not really sure"
"Oh umm... depends on who you wanna sit close to, there is an empty seat in the front, there is the one you are sitting on and then there is one at the back."
"Where do you sit?" He asked, startling me a bit.
"The last seat"
"Then I take the seat at the back" he smiled that smile that my brain go fuzzy and my lips curve automatically.
"Coincidentally, that happens to be in front of mine." I smirked at him.
"Lucky me!" We laughed at that and even though I was enjoying myself tremendously, I realised that classes would start soon and I won't see my friends till lunch after that so I said
"I have to go now, see you later"
"Okay bye" he waved cutely, I laughed and then walked away with the biggest grin on my face, totally unaware that this boy would change my life in ways in which I had no idea it could be changed.

A/N: hey guys! 2 chapters down, any views?

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