10 | Warmth

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|Y/N pov|
i wake up in a slight haze, my arms stretching out as i try to shake myself awake, i gently rub my eyes allowing them to focus on my surroundings, *your favourite show* still playing faintly in the background. I look around and realise something, there's no Tommy.
i must've fell asleep while he was here i hope that didn't make him uncomfortable, did i bore him so bad he just left? this isn't good.
i swing my feet off my bed and rush downstairs to the kitchen, where will normally hangs about doing a bit of editing, to my relief i find not only him, but tommy there too, both lost in conversation with each other, as i make my way through the doorframe Tommy immediately looks up to me, a smile appearing on his face "oh y/n! you're finally awake" he beams, i find myself smiling back "yeah i'm sorry i fell asleep while u were there, i hope it wasn't weird for you" i say sheepishly taking a seat on the island with them, he shakes his head "i was okay with it don't worry, i'm glad you were able to get some sleep" he says reassuringly, i feel myself calm down and i turn to Will as he begins speaking "are you feeling any better after a nap?" he asks, slightly worried, i nod in response "yeah, it helped me clear my head i think" he smiles, getting up and moving to the refrigerator "uhhhh we kinda don't have anything in for tea" he says with an apologetic laugh, "wait is tommy staying for tea?" i ask head switching between the two "yeah" Will says,
"if that's okay with you" tommy adds almost immediately after, i chuckle, "of course!" i say with a smile.
"would you guys be okay to go down to the shops to get some stuff?" Will turns back to us "i've gotta finish the video for tonight"
"sure" me and Tommy say in unison, as we turn to each other, i feel my cheeks flush slightly at how in sync we were, it was kinda cute. i silently shake my thoughts and get out of my seat, "what will we need?" i ask Wilbur, "uhhh i'll send u a text, tesco's is like 10 minutes away so i'll just send it while you're on your way"
"yeah sounds good" i say walking into the hall and putting on my shoes, tommy follows behind me getting his as well, "don't worry Big dubs i'll make sure no wronguns kidnap us" he says jokingly puffing out his chest, i try stifle a laugh but i can't hold it back any longer, will following in suit "HEY!! i am so intimidating!" he argues "they won't come near me and my big muscles" he adds before bursting out into laughter himself "i-i'm sure you will b-big man" i make out between laughs "yeah u tell em Big T" Will mocks in the most obnoxiously British accent i think i've ever heard.
We make our way down the street to Tesco when a chill goes through my spine, i begin to shiver slightly and tommy notices it, "bit cold?" he questions, wow we've got a sherlock homes in the making,
"what do u think?" i laugh my face turning to a slight grimace "you'd think layering a short and long sleeve would keep you warm but noooo apparently not" i add, unimpressed with my fashion choices, "i mean i'm no expert but i'm pretty sure wearing a skirt in the freezing wind is going to make you cold no matter what ur wearing on your top half" he says raising his eyebrows at me as if to call me out, i roll my eyes, "yeah,yeah whatever mr.innit" i say crossing my arms "in my defence i didn't expect it to be this windy out" he hums agreeingly as we continue walking, he stops for a second and i follow in suit, turning to him to see what's going on, he pulls off his hoodie and holds it out in-front of him shaking it slightly toward me as to say 'here, take it', "will you not be cold?" i question, not wanting him to have to endure the cold too "what a big man like me?" he retorts "i'll be fine don't worry, as funny as it is i don't want to see you all cold and shivering" he smiles "thank you" i say taking it from his grasp and pulling it over myself "but if u get cold i'm giving it back okay?" he nods in response looking down at me in his hoodie, it's massive on me, like really massive, it goes down past my skirt and covers my hands completely, smothering me in warmth and the faint smell of his cologne, i feel myself beginning to blush as i look back up at tommy staring down at me, it could just be the wind but i see his cheeks flush slightly red as we stare at each other for a couple more seconds, i snap myself out of it and realise it's probably just in my head, i shouldn't get so ahead of myself he's just being nice, it's not meant to be romantic i'm just imagining it,,
i chuckle slightly at my own stupidity and continue walking, tommy lingers back for a moment before i call out to him, i think he zoned out for a second, he quickly jogs back up to me and we continue walking to Tesco, this time slightly quicker to try get out of this god awful wind, after a couple more minutes we arrive, it's only a small Tesco unfortunately but nonetheless the heat that hits us when we walk in is heavenly, we look at each other and let out a sigh of relief, finally sheltered from the weather.


more important A/N: okay this is actually kinda funny but i've been feeling up to writing again recently but also reading fanfics here, and the thing is i get most my stories to read here from people adding this book to their reading lists, and i've been a big ranboo simp recently so basically what i'm trying to ask is should i make a ranboo x reader? 1. bc i think it would be fun and 2. bc then i can see people's ranboo reading lists so i can find stories easier LMAOOOOOOOO AJDJFJJSJA

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