7 | english is great but the people aren't

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as we enter the school campus a few people automatically recognise tommy, giving him a wave or saying hello, he kindly replies to them all but makes an effort to not linger for too long, i'm not sure wether it's to keep me calm or because he's too tired for talking to lots of people for elongated periods.
the fact that his whole college knows who he is kind of dawned on me all at once, most people are chill about it, but you can tell that there are people trying to act cool with him for clout, they're quite obvious about it really, it's honestly quite tragic. after a few stops tommy turns to me, "what do you have first again?" he inquires "was it english?" i nod in response, maybe i shouldn't of, i could've pretended that i didn't know and prolonged having to actually go to class, but alas, my monkey brain cannot think that far ahead. "it's in a separate building across the campus, it's a smaller building so it's a lot less confusing which is a plus" he smiles, picking up his pace as we exit through the revolving door.
after a few minutes we make it to the other building which was indeed much smaller than the main, "thank fuck it's smaller" i jokingly say, letting out as high of relief "means less people, right?"
"exactly! see, you'll be fine okay?" tommy gives me a reassuring smile, "and if anyone gives you trouble i'm just a text away" i look at him confused for a second, i don't have his number? he realises his mistake a few seconds later and rushes to the phone in his front pocket, fumbling around trying to get it out "i never gave you my number!" he exclaims, getting a chuckle from me as i switch my phone on to add his number, he apologises and quickly taps his number in, saving his name as 'big man(tommy)' i try hold in my laugh but it escapes me, earning a "oi it's accurate" from tommy, while giving me a less that happy look before bursting out into a fit of laughter himself.
"i hate to say this, but i'm gonna have to head off or ill be late for class" he says with dismay after he manages to calm himself down,
"yeahh me too" i say, mimicking his tone "my class is just the first in the left, right?"
he gives me a nod in response, "you'll do great okay? dont worry"
"thank you tommy" i say giving him a genuine smile, before turning on my heels and sheepishly making my way down the corridor, possibly to my impending doom.
i gently turn the handle of the door,it shaking slightly from my touch. my breathing heavies and i scrunch my eyes shut, twisting it open. i feel it swing open and my eyes follow in suit, taking in my surroundings. it's a very basic classroom, i don't really know what i expected, the wooden tables are placed in orderly rows on top of the navy blue carpet, the chairs tucked neatly beneath them, several students scatter the room, chatting to friends, tentatively waiting for the teacher to start, or just seemingly not paying attention at all. i turn to the teachers desk, behind it stands a middle-aged man, possibly in his late thirties or early forties, a pen tucked behind his ear and the cuffs of his shirt uneven, turning to me with a smile upon his face, "you must be y/n!" he exclaims, a little to loud for my liking, i return his smile and simply nod, "i'm mr.brook, it's nice to meet you, you can take a seat anywhere, we are still waiting on a few people so you can get a good seat before them" he says, still beaming at me "thank you, and you too" i say with a small voice, trying my best not to stutter, i smile at him once again and make my way to the back of the class, taking a seat in the corner, hoping to not have to interact with any of my classmates.
after about 5 minutes everyone has arrived and the class starts, thankfully no one chose to sit next to me but when mr. brook introduced me to the whole class i feel some judging eyes analyse my every move.. creepy. We begin to do text analysis and i finish early, not to brag but i'm pretty good at english, i've never fallen below a 90% and it's one of my favourite things in the world, i scroll through twitter while i wait for the class to catch up, i see a notification that 'tommyinnit has followed you back' and my face begins to heat up,feeling a grin begin to emerge on my face, i'm glad he doesn't think i was annoying. "class" mr.brook's monotone voice shakes me from my thoughts "you've had 20 minutes now, we are going to go over the answers" a low groan comes from the class, "anyone care to share their answer for question 1?"
... complete silence, i sigh, knowing that if no one else is going to answer it's gonna have to be me, it just wastes time and i wanna get on, timidly i put up my arm "yes! y/n!" he exclaims, i feel bad for him, teaching this class must be so boring for him, "i uh well, the word 'dark' implies that Gerald is menacing and cold, making the other characters weary of him and scared" i manage to get out between stutters, "perfect answer y/n! i have absolutely nothing to add to that, great job" he beams, i give him a smile back before retreating back into my invisible shell.
we go through the rest of the answers and i end up having to give mine for EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING!!! i could feel people giving me dirty looks because of the amount of compliments mr.brook was giving me, and my suspicions were confirmed when at lunch two mean looking girls came up to me, "hey freak, who do you think you are just coming into class and becoming worlds biggest suck up?" one of them snarls at me "saddo, no wonder u have no friends" the other says looking me up and down. i physically feel sick. my body curving in on itself and keeping my eyes firmly planted on the table beneath me, after a few seconds they leave due to my lack of a reply, laughing as they go. god i wish me and tommy started lunch at the same time. i look around trying to find the blonde headed boy, we end class about 10 minutes apart so he should be here any second now- or at least that's what his text said. i keep checking it to make sure i read it right, until i feel someone tap my shoulder, i turn around to see the boy in question, i look up at him relieved, not being able to hold back the tears from the encounter with those two girls any longer. his eyes widen immediately, dropping his lunch on to the table and pulling me into a hug, "are you okay??" he asks, voice laced with worry.

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