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Me, Rhys, and Vaughn are on the back of a car with our hands tied. I get mine off in less than a minute but the boys weren't so lucky.

"I can't believe Fiona let you get stabbed." Rhys mutters.

"You can't blame her she didn't know and (y/n) is worse off than me look at her eye." Vaughn says.

I was zoning out looking at the stars and thinking about when me and Jack would go stargazing. I snap back  into reality when Rhys tells Vaughn to escape from Vallory.

"Vaughn." I say and both boys look at me.

"Yes?" Vaughn asks.

I reach into my boot and pull out my special dagger.

"Here use this. You need to stay safe don't be scared to stab someone but don't lose it. It's got a tracker in it so I can find you when we get back to Pandora and if you press this button it will coat itself in venom." I say giving him the dagger.

"W-Well thanks (y/n)." Vaughn says.

"You've got vault hunter potential don't thank me." I say and go back to zoning out.

"Why does she keep zoning out?" Rhys asks.

"She's been through a lot." Vaughn says.

"Wrong. She's training," Jack says to Rhys.

"Training?" Rhys asks.

"Yeah she's got this weird mind thing that lets her simulate battles in her mind. It's how she got good at vault hunting. Hell when I first met her she could jump 20 feet in the air and move faster than a speeding bullet," Jack says proudly.

Rhys tells Vaughn what Jack said and they both stare at him in shock.

"Why can't she do that now?" Vaughn asks.

"Well apparently after I died it scarred her so bad she gave up vault hunting and killing all together." Jack says looking at me fondly.

Rhys tells Vaughn and they both go quiet and wait to get to Old Haven. We make it to Old Haven and Finch and Kroger make us get off the truck. I snap open my eyes and back flip off the truck.

"Oh my god it still works." I mutter happily and everyone looks at me.

"What still works?" Finch asks suspiciously.

"Nothing." I say and walk into Old Haven.

Rhys follows me and Jack appears. He convinces Rhys to let Dumpy scout ahead.

"So princess how'd the training go?" Jack asks and I smirk.

"Watch this." I say excitedly.

I run towards a wall and then run up the side off it and backflip off of the top. Jack starts clapping while Rhys stares in awe.

"Nice job cupcake!" Jack exclaims.

"That was awesome!" Rhys exclaims.

"Thank you." I say with a bow and we keep looking for Vasquez.

We find Vasquez and Rhys flips him over and he has no face.

"Better hope some psychos didn't use his face for skin pizza." Me and Jack say at the same time.

Rhys starts imagining skin pizza and he starts to gag. We then start to look for Vasquez's face while Jack talks to Rhys about how similar they are. Rhys almost steps on a tripwire but Jack warns him. I want to show off so I jump onto a roof and start walking along there while Rhys scans for Vasquez's face. Rhys finds Vasquez's face and peels it off the psycho while Jack makes fun of him. Rhys wakes the psycho up.

"Ahhhh! Run!" Rhys yells and Jack laughs.

"Your the only one running baby. I can flyyyy." Jack says and starts flying.

I run and jump between rooftops following Rhys and Jack. Rhys makes it back to the gate and I jump down beside him. We find out Vaughn escaped and then Finch shoots the bomb psycho and Vasquez's body explodes. Me and Rhys then pick up what was left of the body. Me and Rhys then get driven off. We get to Scooter's and see Fiona and Sasha in Hyperion uniforms.

"They know me so I don't need a uniform." I say happily.

Rhys then scares Sasha with Vasquez's face. I walk over to Janey.

"Hey." I say and she angrily slams a wrench down.

"She told me she quit vault hunting. God I'm so stupid for believing her." Janey says angrily.

I take her hands and she looks at me.

"She was protecting us. She told me to tell you something before she got taken." I say and I see Janey tear up.

"What did she say?" Janey asks squeezing my hands.

"She said she's sorry for lying to you and she loves you more than anything." I tell her with a small smile.

Janey sniffles and gasps.

"She really said that? Well, I'm gonna fix this rocket and then I'm gonna gather up every gun I can find and go rescue my girlfriend from those Vault Hunters. Then I'm gonna marry the piss out of Athena." Janey says determined.

"That's the spirit. There is a home in the fence behind the Vault Hunter headquarters you can use to get directly into the holding cells." I tell her with a wink and I walk off.

Rhys scans Vasquez's face and turns into him with his voice too. We then all walk out of Scooter's and take off into space. Sasha gets out of her chair and goes to the back window.

"Fi....you've gotta see this." Sasha mutters and Fiona goes back to her. "I know it's where we're from but it's never felt like home to me. I-I didn't think I'd ever see this. I guess you kept your promise." Sasha says to Fiona.

"I always do. At least with you." Fiona mutters.

Sasha and Fiona talk about the future and then Scooter and them start talking about his Satellite. Everyone pulls out their guns and I put my hidden dagger against August's throat. Fiona calms everyone down so I put my knife away and everyone else puts their guns away. Something then gets stuck in the rockets. After a few minutes Fiona and Scooter go outside the ship to fix the rockets. Everyone hears Scooter talking to Fiona so when she comes back alone we know what happened.

"Oh Scooter. What am I gonna tell Moxxi and Ellie?" I ask myself while holding his hat he gave me before going to fix the rockets.

Fiona passes me Scooter's satellite and I look at her confused.

"Why me?" I ask.

"You've known him the longest." Fiona says.

"Okay." I say with a sigh.

I put in Hero, friend, and hero along with Scooter's face and Fiona lets it out into space.

I've Always Loved You, Dumbass Where stories live. Discover now