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A/N: Thanks for correcting my mistake guys, I wasn't too focused whilst publishing the last chapter! :)

The day had arrived, it was finally time for the school trip that the entire class had been getting excited over for weeks. It was an early start for Takagi-san, her tiredness quickly being erased by the events that she knew would soon be happening. Just the thought of what she was going to do over the school trip brought a big smile to her face. It had been a while since she had felt so excited about anything, and she knew that most of all, she would have to cherish this school trip. After all, it was the last school trip she would be able to have with Nishikata-kun for a while...

On the opposite side of town, her hair a complete mess, Akari-san had finally managed to open her eyes, bright sunlight illuminating her view. Brushing the hair out of her eyes, she looked around her room; the white colour of the walls allowing her room to feel bigger than it deserved to. Briefly, she considered falling back asleep, however she quickly decided that the inevitable scolding she would receive from her mother was not worth the extra ten minutes of sleep that she would gain. Reaching for her lamp, she felt her palm brush up against something. Turning the light on, she grabbed on to the object and brought it closer to inspect it. It was a framed picture that had been taken a while ago, of just her and Nishikata-kun. Her heart started to beat a little faster.

The blaring of the alarm clock invaded his dream, bringing his endless bliss to an untimely end. The horrific noise generated by the electronic device had ripped apart his sleeping patterns so many times before, his body had given up on trying to compensate for the suddenness of his awakening, and just decided to shock him out of his slumber. Before his consciousness had fully greeted him, Nishikata had already reached up and smacked the clock off of his desk with such a force that it had flown across his room, rolling and bouncing across his room until it came to a sudden stop against his dresser. With an extremely loud bang. He heard his mother calling for him from downstairs, and quickly mumbled back an answer of him being okay. It was time for him to get up.

All three of them had managed to get ready in a relatively short amount of time, the excitement of the school trip not being lost on any of them. As they started their respective walks for school, a slight apprehension was felt by two of them, whilst the third breathed in an air of opportunity. They made have had different feelings about the school trip, but all three of them knew that something big was going to happen during the trip. The only thing they could hope for was that the outcome would be positive for themselves. All three took one last look at their respective houses, and with that, they set off for an adventure that could rock their world.

A/N: I wonder what might happen on the school trip...

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