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Nishikata struggled. He felt like he was stuck in place, and he couldn't move. He looked around him, but all that he could see was an engulfing darkness. Suddenly, thousands of pins seemed to be pricking him all at the same time. The pain was immeasurable, and Nishikata couldn't help but writhe around in pain. 

Suddenly the pain stopped, and Nishikata sensed that he had finally regained consciousness. As he went to open his eyes, he was stopped by his eyelids. They felt like they weighed a tonne and despite his best efforts, he couldn't open his eyes. He felt something cold touch the skin near his eye, and then he felt it pull his eyelids apart, finally allowing him to see the outside world. He felt shocked as he recognized the room of his local emergency hospital, and he saw his parents at the back of his room, looking at him with worry evident on their faces.

When he finally regained the strength to open his eyes, he looked around, scanning the room. He heard the doctor's voice finally interrupt his thoughts.

'Nishikata, are you ok?' he heard the female doctor ask.

'Y-yeah, I'm fine, what happened' he replied.

'You were hit by a car whilst saving one of your friends' he heard his mother reply.

'O-oh, ok'

His mind started to race. He had been hit by a car, whilst trying to save one of his friends. What had happened? The last thing that he remembered was walking into class and thinking that Takagi-San was jealous. He felt confused. He didn't know exactly how many days had passed, however, at that moment he decided that once he was out of the hospital, he would investigate and try to figure out what had happened to him. 

He tried to sit up, but when he did, he felt an incredible amount of pain in his ribs. He felt confused for a second when the doctor pushed him back to lying down, however, the doctor quickly explained that he had bruised a few of his ribs and that he would be bed-bound for a few weeks. He was frustrated, but he knew that there was nothing anybody could do to make him any better. All he hoped was that his friends knew which room he was in so that they could visit him.

He decided that he would go back to sleep again, but suddenly, memories of what he had felt before he woke up rushed back to him, and he lost all of his desires to go to sleep. He spent some more time stuck in his own thoughts when he quickly realized that he had no clue how many days had gone by whilst he had been asleep. He asked his parents and what they said shocked him. They told him that he had been asleep for a whole week after the accident, as the doctors wanted to make sure he was healing.

He hoped that he would be able to leave the hospital soon, as he really wanted to know what had happened to him.

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