A fun day out

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You stared out the window the whole drive, Yoongi playing around with the radio until he found a good station to play the music on at low.

You never really realized just how amazing the sites of the city were until that moment. You also never noticed Yoongi's slight smile that pulled at the corner of his lips as he glanced at you staring so curiously through the glass at the moving streets passing by outside the car.


"Alright, we're here!" Namjoon's voice sounded from the back before Yoongi could even put the car in park. As soon as you felt the car completely roll to its rest, your door swung open to reveal a grinning Hoseok, smiling widely and holding out his hand to help you out of the car. You didn't need help with any of these things that they had been assisting you with since you got out of the hospital, but nevertheless they still offered, and you gratefully accepted, just to appease them. Their gentlemanliness simply could not be disregarded.

You took his hand and returned the wide smile, blushing wildly but hiding it by turning your face into your jacket.

After all the members climbed out of the car, they all made their way around to the passenger side where you were, Yoongi playing around and tossing the keys a few times before stashing them in his pocket.

"Well..." Taehyung started. "Where to first?"

"Let's let _____ pick," Jin said, throwing a charming wink your way. Seriously, what is it with them and putting you on the spot??

"Uh-uhm...I don't really mind anything...you guys pick." You once again tried to hide your blush by looking at the ground.

Your indecisiveness has seemed to make itself known to the members several times, and they not only came to understand and come to terms with it, but they chuckled at how adorable it was. Yoongi smiled and reached over and ruffled your hair. "Alright, don't worry about it! Let's just go get the tickets and walk around till we see something we want to ride."

You smiled back at him, nodding once as you ran your hand through your hair, trying to fix the now rats-nest that was hardly tamed before. Now the wind was attacking it too, so as the members started walking to the fairgrounds entrance with you, you put up your hair using the hairbow you had on your wrist.

Namjoon had on his mask as he went to go pay for the tickets, coming back with wristbands for all of you. "Alright, lessgo!" And you all walked the path through the amusement park, gazing at all the fast and scary-looking rides that towered over all of you into the early-day sky.

You saw some of the members pointing up at some of the rides. Taehyung pointed in amazement at a roller coaster you were passing, gasping and turning his face to Jimin, telling him something you couldn't hear from all the noise. Jimin's face lit up for a second, then he corrected himself, saying something in return to Taehyung, causing him to open his mouth as if he just realized something, afterwards dropping his head a little bit.

'Why didn't he ask to go on that ride...?' You wondered. 'Maybe he just decided it wasn't for him...' And you all walked on.

After a little while of walking and chatting, you came across a train tunnel ride. Jimin's face lit up a bit. "Here!" he said. "We can start with something kinda easygoing like this!"

All the other guys nodded, glancing at you to make sure you also agreed. You nodded back, though you were a little confused. You were already having such a wonderful time just chatting and hanging out with them, but why were they deciding to go on something calm like this? In all their lives that you've seen them, they've been little daredevils; threatening and taunting injury while waving a crooked stick. So...why the train ride..??

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